9 letras de Músicas de Kawir: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 9 letras de músicas de Kawir cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Adored Cry Of Olympus
    Zeus rains upon us. And from the sky comes down. Enormous water. Rivers have turned to ice. Dash down the water. Throw a log on the fire. And mix the flattering. Wine and bind on round our foreheads....
  2. 2Cosmic Verve
    We invoke the powers of planets. Zeus give us the wisdom. Mars give us the mighty energy. Lunar give them feelings. Venus give us the power of attraction. Mercury give us the ability of logic. Saturn...
  3. 3Erebus
    Erebus, erebus. The never ending chaos. The source of every life. Gave birth to darkness and. The black night. Darkness, darkness rules everywhere. Lighting flashes tear it apart. Thunders hit the mou...
  4. 4Eumenides
    In the primeval dark of earth-follows held in. High veneration with rites sacrificial. Bless them, all people, with silence. Gracious be, wish what the land wishes. Follow grave goddesses. Flushed in...
  5. 5Gaia
    Oh! Gaia, great goddess who gives life to. Everything that lives and grows on the infinite body. Embrace the boundless areas. In other long forgotten worships. They call for thee by the inexpressible...
  6. 6Infinite Chaos
    n the beginning, the eternal chaos ruled. The everlasting one. The one that had sank in the dephts of darkness. Chaos was the source of life. Chaos is the source of life. Everything has come from the...
  7. 7Korivantes
    Oh! Mighty gods you consecrated the mystical rites. Oh! You celestial, oh you infernal and of the sea. Oh! Greatest polemarhs that nobody can confront you. Oh! You that holding the copper cymbals. Oh!...
  8. 8Sinn (the Blazing Queen)
    Sinn, goddess of the moon, immortal of the immortals. Supreme queen of darkness, blazing goddess of the moon. Looking beyond, the endless horizon, where darkness unites with infinity. Where hate, embr...
  9. 9Zeus
    We call upon Zeus. King of the gods. Oh! Father guides us. Zeus is the sun and the moon. Zeus is the winds and the storms. Zeus is the earth and the stars. Zeus is the unbending flame. Zeus is the nig...