18 letras de Músicas de Kayo Dot: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 18 letras de músicas de Kayo Dot cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1A Pitcher Of Summer
    One morning, before the leaves began changing. I caught a piece of summer and poured it into a pitcher;. This I placed in the cellar on a shelf collecting dust . Autumn, then winter, rose up from the...
  2. 2Amaranth The Peddler
    "A thunderbolt in the northern sky. and the roaring of a lion". Swept up by the downy wings of angels. Made from a heaven-laden voice. I float with all the weight of ether. It pilots an aeri...
  3. 3Aura On An Asylum Wall
    Almost condescending it looks on from inside. I feel strong, this day will never wither!. In sorcery is my most ancient thought. And I thought the sorcerer was right. It creeps behind a dusty mirror....
  4. 4Azure-lidded World
    Like a kiss, soft, and wild with the delicate steps of petals fallen in a stream. This swirling ballerina turns in faint and sighing grandeur. Across the floor to me. A monarch plays the violin to a s...
  5. 5Blue Lambency Downward
    Beneath the arc of the rounded rainbow ley. Whistled the lark as the arrow lost its way. The Blue lightless perfect-colored obfuscaire. Still supine, I crossed the sandy veil. Falling forever through...
  6. 6Clelia Walking
    The cathedral buried beneath under cathedral is. where the glibbest instrument lay. And there it rests, exhausted, While in the visible room, a band continues to play. The insensitive diviner, feeling...
  7. 7Don't Touch Dead Animals
    Part one the song's begun. Around and around the needle slinks. And with each passing bar. The circle shrinks. Round and round and round she goes. And if reversed the circle grows. A hazy regard...
  8. 8Gemini Becoming The Tripod
    The portraiture within me rose up. To meet a constellation. Borne on psychic waters. Geometry showed me its dark side. And showered me with its arcing plumes. The lovers met in deepest dreams. Tourmal...
  9. 9Kittysong
    Kitty attacks my foot. even when i'm just walking by. she doesn't like to be. picked up by anyone including me. her nose is black and neat. triangle shaped like a kitty treat. she is a speci...
  10. 10Marathon
    And so ten centuries solemnly collide. Love failed and I have. Lost my Name. Secrecy hoards the treasure. Coveted most by me. As rainwater collects in barrels. Sleep covers Abuse with Time. Too many d...
  11. 11Right Hand Is The One I Want
    Laughter is ceasing, All the coroners of New Orleans. Are calling, all the coroners are calling you. You are completely alone in this world. It's not your fault it's just easy to forget. Wai...
  12. 12Symmetrical Arizona
    The Ribbons of the Bell. Slipped her stockings straight. And fluttered to the choir below. And tied herself to the countertenor. Leftmost in the frontmost row. I saw her path before she even fell. And...
  13. 13The Ankward Wind Wheel
    The wooden lookout seven stories high. The steeple at the top, it won't stop singing. singing singing singing. It's got a rigid rule number one. It's to keep the bodies living. The last...
  14. 14The Antique
    Dust fills my Mouth with a Timeless Poltergeist Rapping. Lightly upon a Dusty Door;. It Locks the Days together. Yesterday. This Artefact wasn‚t rightly so. Flanked by Shelves incorporating me...
  15. 15The Manifold Curiosity
    It never hurt this much before, And I feel I'm courting Saturn. The Twelve-Eyed Secret gazes through a prism, Staring into raindrops swirling slow. It lifts its horrible heads. With lidless orbs...
  16. 16The Sow Submits
    Slowly relieve the sow. From her revolving white out. Releasing groans in quiet telepathy. A weight no cradle can hold. Answer no blood-diluted question. The floorboards bow so lethargically. Releasin...
  17. 17The Useless Ladder
    The shamelessly desirous broken heart inside the. otherwise empty cabinet of doom. Weeps what it's modestly beating without. The youngest grave will hold a crowd before. The people stuck on the t...
  18. 18Wayfarer
    Sing to me a romance, sire. That splendid trod the starry roads. All ye dust-strewn travellers, hasten. To the hearthside!. What seest thou, wayfarer, Upon thy journey to a citrine sun?. Caves of cand...