5 letras de Músicas de Kazuyuki Matsumoto: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 5 letras de músicas de Kazuyuki Matsumoto cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Break Out
    Once I was a kid. I knew there's something vicious in the air. Too many malicious eyes. All dangerously watching others. Look down to the street and you see hopeless faces. Too poor to escape the...
  2. 2Now Or Never
    You lose control again. And I'm kneeling down to save your day. Your ego used to hurt. Now I know the way to dodge myself. My mind is far away. Beyond this choking wall. Maybe I'm not the ma...
  3. 3Out Of My Control
    One day so sweet one day like ice. They want the danger in my eyes. I tell a lie or two. And they melt away. I never love I never care. That's how I lived until today. You walked into my room. I...
  4. 4The Shadow
    I live in a place for people who hate the sun. I'm giving my love for people who hate society. You're slowly dissolving into. You're slowly decaying into. You're slowly degrading i...
  5. 5Whatever
    Can you see the fields of flowers withering?. And smell the powder of the guns?. And feel the rage and anger evolve into a storm. Tell me can you hear the song of death and pain?. You touch the wounds...