5 letras de Músicas de Keep Walking: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 5 letras de músicas de Keep Walking cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Another Round
    Going downtown again. Another Friday night. Those beer mugs so bright. We drink them all again. We're not drunk yet. But we will be soon. Those nights with my friends. I hope they never ends. We...
  2. 2Good Times
    One by one side by side. Do you remember all those times we spent together. You sharing them by my side. The moments that we've passed. They're gone for so long. Sometimes I find myself wond...
  3. 3Ignite Your Hate
    Can you smell the revolution in the air. All this time emerging from the underground. All you bastards stop dragging me down. You drag me down. I might fall but not my words. Others will rise against...
  4. 4It's In Your Eyes
    Beautiful moon so bright. I can see your face tonight. Wish you were here today. Pity we choose different ways. I've seen it all before. The evil flashing on you. It's in your eyes. It'...
  5. 5No Way Back
    There's a time in your life. Where you have to decide. Wrong or right. Only time will tell. If it leads the right way. Then there's no way back. You've reached the point of no return. T...