11 letras de Músicas de Keepin' 6: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 11 letras de músicas de Keepin' 6 cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 11086
    Listen to these words they are a revelation. of things we all should know. can you feel it like the vibration?. well i do. and theres something fucking wrong. constantly searching for the never-endin...
  2. 2Breakdown
    Bullshit. it's all that i hear. it seems that every time somebody's. talking, its coming out their rear. tension. no matter how hard i try. it just keeps keeps building building. up up insid...
  3. 3Endzone V.ii
    Waiting all this time. Waiting all this time for answers. Doesn't matter what you say. We'll be seeing you another day. It was a Saturday night we came to play the show. The outcome of that...
  4. 4Forget It
    Tired looking over it to find an answer that fits. spent so much time thinking about it but now i couldn't give two shits. arguments and complaining before i knew it it was all done. while it las...
  5. 5Handle It
    Looking down at me with your superior eyes. but this is really me i don't have to wear any disguise. so i hold my head up high. cause i don't even have to. try to contemplate myself. cause i...
  6. 6Illusion
    Flashin' fashion like you're part of the scene. but you're nobody you're just caught in between. whaters cool. you're just a fool and obscene. does anybody even know what i m...
  7. 7Look @ Whatcha Got
    Well some people look at objects. not knowing their full price. but I'm not talking about commercial value. but things in your life. so all I'm trying to say is. look at whatcha got. paved r...
  8. 8Lt (stop Tellin' Me Lies)
    You start off just trying to fit in. with your stupid clothes and your fake ass grin. but i see right through your facade. and instead of acting normal you just feel odd. so just look in the mirror an...
  9. 9Scapegoat
    Well I'm just walking around like there's someone watching over me. What did I as an individual do?. Maybe I'm paranoid, crazy, but I'm just trying to. Avoid any blame that might c...
  10. 10Step Back
    All of this fighting. its not exciting. why cant we all come together as one. we can no longer become any stronger. until this war of racism is won. all for one and one for all. you have no right to...
  11. 11Tfy 634
    Tfy 634. motherfuckin' pigs comin'. knockin' at the door. at 2 am on a noise complaint. and let me tell you son, that. bitch wasn't a saint. well forced entry i'm not amused....