26 letras de Músicas de Kekal: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 26 letras de músicas de Kekal cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1A Dream For A Moment
    Feel our time is descending. A metamorphic significance. In a dream for a moment. It comes near as strange as we are. Communicate omni-verbally. Centers hope and facility. Let the spirit prays what we...
  2. 2Behind Those Images
    Evil horror comprised within rhymes. fascinated to the darkside's representation. hiding behind the sensational lines. A reference to somewhat blasphemous. Upon mankind's dark fantasies. Evi...
  3. 3Blessing In Disguise
    Picture of reality. Carved by the sequence of history. All integrated into one. As a traumatic side of this world. We are the pilgrims of questions. Search for the meaning of life. Moments of joys and...
  4. 4Broken
    These feelings I can't explain. Months and even years of yearning. For the beauty that never come. Each day I find only dying souls. I know we have to enjoy the life. Yet I'm still complaini...
  5. 5Characteristicon
    Set to believe in a peculiar way. Under a hyperlogical mental occurence. A truth beyond standardization. Beyond structural represtentation. As we can see. As we can hear. As we can feel in many ways....
  6. 6Decieved Minds
    Deceived by the lost one, you worship the wrong idol. He told you he's bringer of liberation. Manipulate and brainwash your mind with his lies. Enjoying the cult following from the ignorance of m...
  7. 7Embrace The Dead
    "Another down of day arrives. But still nothing new under the sun. I'm waiting for the night again. Can't stand the hate whe I wake up". "People come and go bite each other. T...
  8. 8Empty Space
    Shadows, a presence of a void within. Journey towards the edge of life. Frigid, an iced-filled blood inside. Keep me from the state of being alive. Numbness, deleting passion in one strike. Running, w...
  9. 9Envy And Its Manifesto
    Let's talk about something we know well, and its name is envy. Certainly not a similar kind with jealousy. And it is not about relationship, nor politics, nor a system. But instead, it is somethi...
  10. 10Escaping Eternal Suffering
    No one is good in the eyes of almighty God. Creation inherit the seed which be the cause of death. Since the first man's fall, we all suffered the separation. No matter what norm and laws we crea...
  11. 11Free Association
    A challenging task out from the mind of the visionaire:. Recalling all melodies created in those dreams. Cathartic responses popping out from the nerves. Through this musical kind of free association....
  12. 12From Within
    I am, a creation of dust and made by dust. I am, a free entity with all the choices in front of me. In me, there is a will to live my life. In me, there is a destructive tendency built by hate. Questi...
  13. 13In Continuum
    this is where they rose and fell. things will keep to follow the same patterns. once ill defined now much-accented. no such real sense of anomaly. winds have blown away every inch-block of debris. fro...
  14. 14Longing For Truth
    If I had a little time to empathize. On how the Earth suffers the most. Tortured landscapes and dying forests. Witnessing the quality of mankind. Greed, corrupted minds. Perversion, misled goals. Some...
  15. 15Millennium
    Another year, another lesson to learn. Another task, another failure. Beneath these physical progressions. We've made one giant step of degradation. Reaching the point of no return. As this world...
  16. 16Once Again It Failed
    dripping blood as violent rages on, engulfing our soils. death i here, ringind fatality of civilization. massacre, the murders at random, in attempted genocide. thousand years of social paralysis, fat...
  17. 17Rotting Youth
    Now as i walk through the scenes of disruption. I see the dying of our generation. Adolescents are trapped, bound by chains of sin. Live Like the Living dead,putrefly until total death. Not to be the...
  18. 18Scripture Before Struggle
    In this world, the land that God created. Men must join together as one. But now, when hatred surrounds. Then we ask, "can we share this life together?". Won't you take a look at our br...
  19. 19Source Of Existence
    From the Earth minds are wondering. How could this great universe runs so well. Space and time, both follow the order. It makes us to think who's behind such things. Hail to the forests. For they...
  20. 20Strength In My Weakness
    It came along in one concrete form. A knowledge that turned me upside down. Let us put it this way: a new experience. Of living a life without me as I. Accept the nature and origin. Of our human condi...
  21. 21The Fearless And The Dedicated
    Thousand years ago. In the first years of the Church. Terrors aimed to the Apostles. because of following the Truth. Authorities opposed their teachings. Of love, hope, and faith. And if they couldn&a...
  22. 22The Gathering Of Ants
    We are part of the mass. Post-industrial working class. Empowered by commands to be. The Black Ants assembly. I feel trapped. here within their system. as the workforce. Diligent and industrious. Volu...
  23. 23The Way Of Thinking Beyond Comprehension
    Out in a confusion. When we no longer know how. To decide and to make a choice. What is right and what is wrong. A second next before deadline. Reality testing, an asymmetric completion. Is this what...
  24. 24Thy Neighbor's Morality
    I believe it is a politically generated act. When hundreds of civilians entering the scene to execute punishment. Taking a somewhat fascistic solution within a socialist environment. An ambivalence of...
  25. 25To Whom It May Concern
    Anyone, could you see the pain that dwells inside of me. To whom it may concern: I ask for justice, even in a small piece. If I had lived in this place since its inception. I would see. All the proces...
  26. 26Voz Diaboli
    within our senseless will, driving motives - no absolution for one's. desires. - changes are minor, yet impact is unaccountable - no standard for. achieving satisfaction. - rising from the depths...