15 letras de Músicas de Kelli Schaefer: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 15 letras de músicas de Kelli Schaefer cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Bad For You
    This world is bad for you. And it's bad for me too. But we're so lucky. I hear it all the time. As if being lucky must have just slipped our minds. I don't know you really. But as far a...
  2. 2Better Idea
    Take my hand on the front line. Take my hand in the back row. When I'm tired of repeating. Hold me close don't let me go. Because I want to be louder. And to stand up tall. But I am loading...
  3. 3Big Black Box
    When I'm in work I don't feel the work pains. I don't hear the gears crank. Nobody has the time for that. Then on the back step I'm racking up my sick pay. I listen for the song th...
  4. 4Black Dog
    I cant bury the black dog. Mortuary. Singing till the Sun comes up. You ain't getting a hold of me. Bones bleeding (if bones can bleed). Sore and seething all in harmony. You ain't getting a...
  5. 5City Morgue
    Call it what you want, I call it a clean break. Parts of me dead gone, falling off and washing away. So stop me when I start back up again. I could make you proud, make you clap your hands and stand....
  6. 6Ghost Of The Beast
    Mother, you taught me good. You made me want to do the things that I should. You told me Jesus 's gonna make me a saint. Gonna take my hand and make my life complete. But the narrow path is closi...
  7. 7Gold Baby
    Maybe I'll make a gold baby. I'll feed it liquid gold maybe. All eight hundred pounds I will push it around. I'm gonna get a gold puppy. Gold german shepard or husky. And when it's...
  8. 8Gone In Love
    I will wipe my brothers tears with the sleeve of my jacket. And we will beat the nighttime bloody with this song. Joys strong mallet. And the weight wont be weighty. Will never be overbearing. When th...
  9. 9Holy Shotgun
    Home or no home. Back from the war son. Left my mind in the barrel of a gun. Holy shotgun. Home or no home. Black from the burned bones. Lost my mind in the barrel of a gun. Holy shotgun. At the end o...
  10. 10Home
    Sometimes quiet and wrong for being so. So quiet the lips grow shut. While the floor boards of the stomach are growing dust. I don't want to talk. Sometimes I want to stop. Somewhere pushing and...
  11. 11Machine
    Ragged old beat up dog. Think it might bite tonight. On the couch laugh out loud. It's on tonight. Out the door keys in hand. Bitch has flipped. Screaming fits. Out of mind out sight. Down I 5. A...
  12. 12Our Makeshift Gears Grind Gracefully
    Take a slow deep breath my love. There aint nothing to be ashamed of. Disapproval, failing health, the never ending absence of wealth. I must admit I tug the rope. And oh the static, constant sound. T...
  13. 13Sister K
    Sometimes we must wait a long time. To find out that something does not work right. It might be a long road to healing. If we wait. And we expect the best to come from what is left. Sometimes the pain...
  14. 14The Fury
    There is a curtain hangs before me. Steadied by the sturdiest of steal. I couldn't cut it with the sharpest iron. My own strength is useless to its strong intricate weave. But I can hear the eart...
  15. 15Trinkets
    You've got nothing better to do with you time but collect these trinkets and coddle them. Someday you might see me running through fire going down. You'll be indifferent. Sitting on your clo...