6 letras de Músicas de Kelly: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 6 letras de músicas de Kelly cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Let Me Borrow That Top
    Let me borrow that top. Let me borrow that top. Let me borrow that top. I wanna borrow that top. That's such a cute top. That's a cute top. I wanna borrow it. Let me borrow the top. Aren&apo...
  2. 2My Romantic Pattern
    This is my romantic pattern. Wanna fix the relationship with my dad that I never had. But I'm the one whos broken. Broken like a record and I skip and do it again. With a new boyfriend. And this...
  3. 3No Booty Calls
    Hello?. Hey, it's your ex!. It's one in the morning, what the hell do you want?. Baby I'm horny. So what are you saying?. You wanna get together?. I want you to come over. All dressed i...
  4. 4Shoes
    Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Oh my God!. Shoes. Let's get some shoes. Let's get some shoes. Let's get some shoes. Let's get some shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Oh my God, shoes!. Shoes. These shoes...
  5. 5Txt Msg Brkup
    You couldn't do it in person. You had to text message break up. You fuck up. Oh my god i wanna throw up. You couldn't even spell break right!. B-r-a-k-e?. That's in your car dummy!. And...