58 letras de Músicas de Kelly Joe Phelps: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 58 letras de músicas de Kelly Joe Phelps cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Beggar's Oil
    A mustard seed is (has been said). All that men will need. A filthy boy in a bowery lane. Under the times in a drowning rain. Stealing bits of sleep again. Has heard this comon creed. Grows into the t...
  2. 2Capman Bootman
    baseball cap and flannel arms. dancing with a voodoo doll. sweat rolls down the old guitar. seeing things the way they are. a crooked look lay on his brow. beside a wisecrack whiskey mouth. tip up the...
  3. 3Cardboard Box Of Batteries
    make a dent in the shovel. run the mud through the sieve. paste your hopes on a wind mill blade. and plant it up on the hill. a pencil sharpened with a putty knife. a pretty girl as a pretty nun. mayb...
  4. 4Crossroad (robert Johnson)
    Down to the crossroad, fell down on my knees. Down to the crossroad, fell down on my knees. Asked the Lord above "Have mercy, help poor Bob, if you please". Mmmmm, standin' at the cross...
  5. 5Dock Bogg's Country Blues
    come all you good time people. while I’ve got money to spend. tomorrow might be monday. and I never have a dollar nor a friend. when I had plenty of money, good people. all my friends would gat...
  6. 6Don Quixote's Windmill
    Jenny keep the closet warm. I'll need somewhere to hide. Bees are swarming around my head. Digging in my side. They laugh and taunt and prod me. Tear at the walls around me. Here in my eternal sh...
  7. 7Down In A Willow Garden
    Down in a willow garden. Where me and my love did meet, 'Twas there we sat a courting. My love dropped off to sleep. I had a bottle of the Burglar's wine. Which my true love did not know, An...
  8. 8Fare Thee Well
    They told me on the phone. They don't have no man at all. Fare thee well. Bade Fare thee well. They told me on the phone. They don't have no man. They no more man. And a two-ton truck at hom...
  9. 9Footprints
    Skip across the dust in the corner of my room. While the walls pull away. Keep my hiding spirit shuffling. Keep my hiding spirit shuffling. You can look but you won't find me. Yeah, the Footprint...
  10. 10Frankenstein Party Of Three: Your Table Is Ready
    I'll trim the sea with envy. Bounce the martyr from the ship. Tread on the bridge plank Merceyside*. With a slow and graceful clip. Sorrows of Young Werther**. Lying between the bread. And I&apos...
  11. 11Go There
    I could hear them singing like they are gonna fall out. Raising hands and hoping, singing, bringing in the sheets soldiers marching by. I want to go there when I die. Eyes open wide like a little boy...
  12. 12Gold Tooth
    The air is turning cold outside. It's a rabbi in a brothel for the third time. The gold tooth of a broken man. A white glove in a purse down at the bottom of the sea. The day is turning dark outs...
  13. 14Goodnight Irene
    sometimes I live in the country. sometimes I live in town. sometimes I have a great notion. to jump in the river and drown. quit your rambling quit your gambling. quit staying out all night. stay at h...
  14. 15Hard Time Killin' Floor Blues
    Hard time here and everywhere you go. Times is harder than ever been before. And the people are driftin' from door to door. Can't find no heaven, I don't care where they go. Hear me tel...
  15. 16Hobo's Son
    one cold summer night sally slipped away. door left open wide not a word to say. hard luck took its toll I can't blame her none. not today might be here tomorrow. she knew better fare when a girl...
  16. 17Hosanna
    Hey brother don't you sing so quiet, no. I need a beacon to guide me through the night. Oh let me hear your hosanna. come on and let me hear your prayer. I'm going down to the city, I got a...
  17. 18I Am The Light Of This World
    Just as long as I'm in this world. I am the light of this world. You don't believe in Jesus. And not a word he say. When he come all way down to Lazarus' grave. And raised him from the...
  18. 19I Bid You Goodnight
    Hey brother, come on down and take your rest. Lay your head now upon my Saviour's breast. I love you, oh but Jesus love you the best. I bid you goodnight, goodnight, goodnight. I bid you goodnigh...
  19. 20I've Been Converted
    I know I've been converted. Do you?. I know I've been converted. Do you?. You've got a noose. And you'll make me change. I'm not afraid to call my savior's name. And I kn...
  20. 21Jesus Make Up My Dying Bed
    I said a prayer to Jesus Christ instead of weeping. But I meant to cry. In time I receive a rose in my hand. Left a sore on my eye. Left a sore on my eye. Singing I-I-I bring the boy up easy. I-I-I, I...
  21. 22Jesus, Keep Me Near The Cross
    Jesus, keep me near the cross;. There's a precious fountain, Free to all, a healing stream, Flows from Calvary's mountain. Chorus:. In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever, Till my rapt...
  22. 23Katy
    Katy’s down by the cellar door. calls for me to go. back down to the clover. singing soft and low. singing soft and low. my little one's mother is. holding him and crying. she hears Katy c...
  23. 24Knock Louder
    this makes as much sense as a frog on a chain. a leper knocking trees down with his fist. twisting my ear like i'm a school yard churl. you know i want to sit beside that long-legged girl. wearin...
  24. 25Lass Of Loch Royale (if I Prove False To Thee)
    I'm going away to a far distant land. I'm going away for a while. But I'll return to you my love. I'll go ten thousand miles. The sun will dry up the ocean. Heavens will cease to b...
  25. 26Lead Me On
    I've been looking for a home. I've been looking for a home. But i can't find one. Looking for a home but i can't find one. Lead me on. Lead me on. Lead me on. I've been drifti...
  26. 27Leavin' Blues
    I wanted to leave it ya see. But I stays way too long. Wanted to leave it ya see. But stays way too long. Well the girl that I'm loving. Took that westbound train and go. Well the world is so fog...
  27. 28Love Me Baby Blues
    Drive down baby. Like showers of rain. Can't you hear my fair girl. Call my name. Can't you hear my fair girl call my name?. She calls so loud, it's so plain. I walked on down to the st...
  28. 29Many A Time
    many a time I thought I had fallen down. away by the wayside away from grace. my heart torn asunder. my legs buckle under me. I have one promise and I have one prayer. only believe. thou gonna be save...
  29. 30Marking Stone Blues
    Walking around at midnight. Looking for my marking stone. Walking around at midnight. Looking for my marking stone. I was born an honest way. I was born an honest way. I sure don't mind. One foot...
  30. 31May You Never
    May you never lay your head down. Without a hand to hold. May you never make your bed out in the cold. You're just like great strong brother of mine. And you know that I love you true. And you ne...
  31. 32Motherless Children
    The motherless children. Have a hard time when mother is dead. The motherless children. Have a hard time when mother's dead. They don't have anywhere to go. Walking around from door to door....
  32. 33Mr. My Go
    Hip-pocket flask at the ready. Step-light downed by the glass. What's that nail doing in my head?. One minute ago I was shooting from the saddle. Knee-deep in salt and shoe grease. Whipping the l...
  33. 34Not So Far To Go
    ginger dyed her hair red to it her name. burny pocked his arms with a pack of camel lights. long sleeves outdoors to keep the kids from crying. and ginger climbed the high wire just to make them cheer...
  34. 35Pastures Of Plenty
    It’s a mighty hard road that my poor hands have hoed. My poor feet have traveled a hot dusty road. Out of your Dust Bowl and Westward we rolled. Your desert was hot and your mountain was cold....
  35. 36Piece By Piece
    piece by lonely piece the mountainside tumbles away. back down to the river bottom lined with pocket worry stones. a hundred years in hand worn smooth by long grandmother nights. sitting by the rockin...
  36. 37Pretty Polly
    I used to be a rambler, staying around in town. I used to be a rambler, staying around in town. I courted Pretty Polly, such a beauty never found. Pretty Polly, pretty Polly, oh yonder she stands. Pre...
  37. 38Prodigal Son
    When I left my father's house, I was well-supplied;. I made a mistake and I did wrong. And I'm dis-satisfied. Chorus :. I believe I'll go back home. I believe I'll go back home. I...
  38. 39River Rat Jimmy
    drums are still playing I can see them marching close. this he walks like a shadow and that he dances like a ghost. the one that looks like jimmy lord he scares me the most. river rat jimmy and jehosh...
  39. 40Roll Away The Stone
    Early one morning here as I look at across a worn out plain. Early one morning here as I look at across a worn out plain. Dust bowl memories you can hear me shout. Dust bowl memories you can hear me s...
  40. 41Rusting Gate
    tried my hand at company, wine poured out for two. blue charade that i have made while lying next to you. take the next thing home, my dear, leave me to my ways. the only clothes that seem to fit are...
  41. 42Sail The Jordan
    When that trouble is getting hard up here. You and I know better to tell there. Get on a boat, sail the Jordan and jump in the river and drown. Deeper and deeper as my mother shall feel the pain. And...
  42. 43See That My Grave Is Kept Clean
    There's one kind of favor I'm gonna ask of you. There's one kind of favor I'm gonna ask of you. There's one kind of favor I'm gonna ask of you. See that my grave is kept...
  43. 44Someone To Save Me
    Well I ain't got nothing. For all this misery. I ain't got nothing. For all this misery. Well I ain't got nothing. For all this misery. If it ain't the devil. The Lord'll set...
  44. 45That's Alright
    That's alright, that's alright. My soul gonna sit up in the kingdom, that's alright. Some say Peter , some say Paul. But one God made us all. and my soul gonna sit up in the kingdom, th...
  45. 46The Black Crow Keeps Flying
    See the black crow fly. Flying through the sky. And the wind is howling. Won't you tell me why. See the black crow fly. Flying through the sky. And the wind is howling. Won't you tell me why...
  46. 47The House Carpenter
    well met, well met said an old true love. well met, well met said he. I’ve just returned from the salt salt sea. and it's all for the love of thee. come in, come in my old true love. and h...
  47. 48Tommy
    Tommy had a watch, a good kind of watch. It wouldn't tell time if you asked it. Didn't have a face, just an ear and an eye. To see him with. Tommy stole candy from the cornerstore. And gave...
  48. 49Train Carried My Girl From Town
    where were you when the train left town. I was standing on the corner, my head hanging down. I be crying hey, train carried my girl away. I be crying hey, that train carried my girl away from town. as...
  49. 50Valley To Pray
    I went down in the valley to pray. Learnin' about the good old way. And who would wear the starry crown. Oh Lord, show me the way. Oh Brother, let's go down. Come on down, don't you wan...
  50. 51Wagoner's Lad
    Hard luck is the fortune of all womankind. They're always controlled, they're always confined. Controlled by their parents until they are wives. Then slaves to their husbands the rest of the...
  51. 52Waiting For Marty
    bourbon soda over ice, in the basement shade. got it made, no one here, just the beer man's dog. howling at the moon heat gnawing on a bone. waiting for marty to get home. marty's in the bat...
  52. 53Wandering Away
    will I shed one more tear for my broken family. and have a glass of whiskey with another friend. that has nowhere to be. get my feet on the road they feel much better there. gonna stop trying some day...
  53. 54When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder
    When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more. And the morning breaks eternal, bright and fair. The chosen ones will gather over on the other shore. And the roll is called up yond...
  54. 55Where do I Go Now
    For a hundred miles. A thousand more I'll go. I wonder a hundred miles. Got a thousand more to go. I can't quit my walking. It's about the only thing I know. Got up this morning. Bones...
  55. 56Window Grin
    watch it bounce like water, meat under the stone. throw up a leg and try to beg your way bach home. smell the coffee boil in the corner pot. everything's in it but i can't make it stop. i ai...
  56. 57Without The Light
    Where my sorrow goes, there I'll be. Water runs up through my door. And washed me clean of my childhood. Dirt on the floor, a reminder. Well I can't tell you I'm not at all afraid. Cros...
  57. 58Worn Out
    Wonder flood the valley. Tunnel feed the soil. Free advice with constant wit. Never to recoil. Bums rush o'er the high grass field. With shoes of plastic lace. That untie at the first step. Not t...