16 letras de Músicas de Kelly Lee Owens: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 16 letras de músicas de Kelly Lee Owens cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 18
    See it, oh. See it, oh. See it, oh. See it, oh. See it, oh. See it, oh. See it, oh. See it, oh. See it, oh. See it, oh. See it, oh. See it, oh. See it, oh. See it, oh. See it, oh. See it, oh...
  2. 2Anxi
    Always failed at the romantic. I did baroque badly. I have come to believe firmily in reality. Keeping it together, keeping it together. This is the narrative of reality...
  3. 3Cbm
    Colors. Colors. The colors, the beauty, and the motion. The colors, the beauty, and the motion. The colors, the beauty, and the motion. The colors, the beauty, and the motion. The colors, the beauty,...
  4. 4Corner of My Sky (Feat. John Cale)
    The Moon in the corner of my sky. The Moon in the corner of my sky. Is curdling in the Sun. The fish are rising in the creek. The foxes, in their lairs. Oh, the rain, the rain, the rain. Thank God, th...
  5. 5Evolution
    Evolution. Evolution. Evolution, evolution. Evolution, evolution. Evolution, evolution. Evolution. See the. Revolution. Revolution, revolution. See the. Revolution. See the. Evolution. Evolution, evol...
  6. 6Keep Walking
    City through the window. Make it our own. Run to it. Plastic cherry blossom. Eyes never close. Run to it. Run to it. Keep walking. Keep walking. Keep walking. Keep walking. Keep walking. Keep walking....
  7. 7Kingsize
    Think big. Think kingsize. In New York. In New York I don't dream. Toned-down sound. Silently, wildly. Silently, wildly. Silently, wildly. Silently, wildly. Toned-down sound. Toned-down sound. Wh...
  8. 8L.I.N.E
    Don't speak up too much. Stay in line. Keepin' it small, frail. I know this isn't who I am. But love can be blind. Death begins with compromise. In love with the potential of what this...
  9. 9Lucid
    Different from the rest. Don't you see it?. Somewhere in between. Lucid, lucid. Different from the rest. Don't you see it?. Somewhere in between. Lucid, lucid. Lucid, lucid (don't you s...
  10. 10Melt!
    Ice. The more you see. Ice. The more you see. Body. Ice. The more you see. The more you see. The more you see. The more you see...
  11. 11Night
    Feel what's right only in the night. Feel what's right only in the night. See what's right only in the night. Feel what's right only in the night. Feel what's right only in th...
  12. 12On
    Head and heart in unison. We can't go forward. Can't go forward. Can only love as deeply. As you see yourself. And you don't see me. You don't see me. And so. Let go of the hope. T...
  13. 13Re-Wild
    Felt the power in me. Things are different in me. Watch your eyes open me. Watch your eyes open you. Taking release, taking release. Taking release, taking release. (Ah) Re-wild, re-wild. (Ah) Re-wild...
  14. 14Spaces
    An island, yeah, of light. Is it in my mind. An island, yeah, of light. While I wait of time. Spaces between. Where we wanna be. Spaces between. Where we want to be. To be. See you in the light. This...
  15. 15Throwing Lines
    Throwing Lines. To the rag for the brag. We like. The way you're blinding. Throwing Lines. To the rag for the brag. Do you like. The way you're blinded. This could be right again. This could...
  16. 16Wake-Up
    Losing our minds for the short term gain. Short term everything. No king, no king. Swipe to the next frame. Swipe to the next phase. Another new face. Never pausing to take it in. Always avoiding your...