12 letras de Músicas de Kenotia: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 12 letras de músicas de Kenotia cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Decorating For Cinco de Mayo
    [chorus]. I can't find a way out. And the clocks are broken, leaking time. One more second, i may die. 'cuz my wounds are open bleeding life. [verse 1]. You're a problem, i'll neve...
  2. 2Lonewolf Mcquade
    So this is where that road goes. The shaded back road that desperate chose, It leads you here to your last fight and it's ticking by. You're dying slowly, open your eyes. This fight you&apos...
  3. 3Love The Look, hate The Lifestyle
    It wasn't time for this, it never is, the minutes, they hide from me, and it's the cruelest game of hide and seek, where all i want is slipping through my fingers, and i'm crumbling, it...
  4. 4Snowman, What's Your 20?
    Silence, listen. Write it down, take it in. I was never interested in shadows, they've nothing for me. And i will never be your shadow though you look right through me. This is not the way to liv...
  5. 5The Day Dixie Crumbled
    I dont want to have to say this twice, dont make me lift a finger, even though i owe you one. i can think of a thousand things inside my head i'd love to scream. but i just hold my tongue. you do...
  6. 6The Real Mcquade
    Bound in flesh where blood runs deep, and underneath are 1000 years tied to stones thrown in, not deep enough for me. Who cares about these ties, they bound me by my neck and they choke me, Who cares...
  7. 7The Sun's Up But You're Down
    One trip it all came down. you think it's over now. but its not time to break. there's at least 10 more rounds in this game. I know the way from here, so I'll go and one day you'll...
  8. 8They Almost Got Me
    I sang the song the blackbird sings, a song so blue. A requiem for the dreams he never knew. I never knew what I missed when Im so focused on things I cant undo. Standing's only half the battle...
  9. 9Thomas Was Here
    I wonder, can you hear me?. Have you been here all this time, right here with me?. Or is this all for nothing, am I talking to the air? Nothing here. I need you to be here to say goodbye, all this tim...
  10. 10Until This Day
    When you know, you know. I know with you I'm going to go somewhere I've never been. But it's where I want to be, I breathe easy for the first time. I never got much out of this life, N...
  11. 11We're Still Breathing
    Everybody make some room, they're coming. Back it up, don't you know who's walking?. These are the biggest stars. They think they're going far. But let's back it up, back it...
  12. 12You Dug Your Grave, Now Lie In It
    I didn't plan this and if I did, I wouldnt be having this conversation now. cuz I cant take it. No i cant take it but I'll be fair. and I wont fake this. I cant unbreak something thats bro...