6 letras de Músicas de Kevin Bloody Wilson: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 6 letras de músicas de Kevin Bloody Wilson cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Christmas Song
    Hey Santa claus you cunt!. Where's me fucking bike?. I've unwrapped all this other junk and there's nothing that I like. I wrote you a fucking letter and I come to see you twice. Ya wor...
  2. 2Dick'taphone
    Hello operator. i'd like to make a call. Can i have 477 3104?. I'm sorry sir, could you repeat that number once again?. 477 3104, did ya get it then?. Could you speak a little slower? 477&a...
  3. 3Kev's Courtin' Song
    Verse 1. Blown too much of me time buying dinner and wine. And me money on flowers and lollies. Only to find that what's on me mind. Isn't on hers and she's sorry. So I've made up...
  4. 4Kristmas Without Snow
    It wouldn't be Kristmas without snow. It wouldn't be Kristmas without snow. You'll know Santa's coming when you hear him ho ho ho. It wouldn't be Kristmas without snow. It wou...
  5. 5Manuel The Bandito
    Chorus. You ask me if I know Manuel the bandito. I know Manuel well and you know. Manuel is the meanest and toughest and cruelest. Bandito in all Meh-ico. Many men die from the arms of Manuel. His eye...
  6. 6The Builder
    Verse. School holidays were draggin' on. He was gettin' really bored. And his Mum had started poppin' pills. She was climbin' up the walls. So when he asked her could he go across....