14 letras de Músicas de Kevin Martin And The Hiwatts: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 14 letras de músicas de Kevin Martin And The Hiwatts cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Amedia
    Who said you kids are all alright?. Not underneath my white hot spotlight. We are the monsters beneath your beds. Keeping sense of your turning heads. My baby's i taught you well. Amedia. Oh you...
  2. 2Enemy
    Don't patronize me. It only escalates my hatred for you. Don't analyze me. It only allocates my contempt for you. Don't realize me. It only decimates my patience for you. Don't pac...
  3. 3Favorite Stranger
    I remember you waking up early, You were singing to me. Oh so lonely, I remember you feeling. What's this life to be free. Have I become your favorite stranger. You were always the sun in my univ...
  4. 4I
    I have these fears you know. To let my feelings show, My everything. Am I anything to you?. I've lost the will to speak. And I have no air to breathe. Am I surrendering?. Am I anything to you?. I...
  5. 5Identify
    I've got this lost direction. I've got this bad intention. I've got the need for something new. I've got this lack attention. And I've got this great connection. It makes me w...
  6. 6If We Could
    If We Could. If I could decide on what i've decided. If I could confide in whom i've confided. And if I believed in all I believe in. We deny it all. No trust inside. If we could see ourselv...
  7. 7Restless
    And time will set the tone of dreams. But life waits for no ones needs. No love at all. And we steal from the song she sings. We feel cause of what she brings. The sweetest mellow tone. Her days have...
  8. 8She
    She seems so happy. In her hopeless disease. If this weren't my boulevard. I would drown in her seas. Got no cure for yourself. Got no faith just your hell. Got no needs you want more. Got no nee...
  9. 9Telepathic Rock & Roll
    I administer everything cool. Unknown to you. Telepathic rock & roll. I'm Bowie & Dylan the Who. And we all knew. Telepathic rock & roll. So don't you gimme no more. Transparent...
  10. 10The Fall
    Intoxicate me. Intoxicating you. Resuscitate me. I'm breathless because of you. Illuminate me. Enveloped and so divine. And devastate me, your devastating, the fall, It's all and everything....
  11. 11The Lovers
    We wrote these words together love. To free our own. We speak of pasts, moved many lives, These dreams they come and go. Who we are is all we know. Do you miss me still?. Who we are is all I know. How...
  12. 12Thoughtless Innuendos
    Another year has gone. Left falling away. If time were done. Then who should we blame?. From where I stand you should be alone. Now that she has gone. Left falling away. A simple lesson learned. I&apo...
  13. 13Walk Away
    If I could talk. Your lips would taste my pain. Losing my mind. Tonight your suffering. Who song could sing?. What you need to see. That my "sometimes" and my "lovers" read. But to...
  14. 14Wax Papier Maché
    So I wipe away the tears, that build up in your eyes. think back all those years, the years that you subside. And you say, I can't see through this. Wax Paper Maché, so frail. And I say, If...