16 letras de Músicas de Kiss Of Death: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 16 letras de músicas de Kiss Of Death cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Bury Your Dead
    Death always comes unexpected. Bullet cuts the air and life is went out. Flowers cover the coffin. Tears fill the void. Bury your dead on your knees. Biting the ground with bitter and anger. Face of v...
  2. 2Cultural Hatred
    Seemed to be educated. Believed to be open-minded. But still building the walls. Of religious and cultural hatred. Muslims vs. Christians. Whites vs. Black. (Or maybe). Stupid vs. Open-minded. Blin...
  3. 3Dead Body In The Water
    This is the brave new world. Love is not love anymore. Every word you say is part of this murder. Every thought I have is part of this murder. Her body tormented. To make them happy. Murderers without...
  4. 4Everything What's Beautiful Has Its End
    My heart - the empty tomb, filled with void. Still sick of darkness falling through my fingers. Everytime I see you I feel anger and pain. For everything what's beautiful has it's end. Hands...
  5. 5Fire Giving A Hope
    What's my strength it's strange for you. Is completely misunderstood. All my needs are different than needs. Of the rest if the world. When seven seals are broken. When my eyes are cold. Thi...
  6. 6Fuck Em
    Hangin off him but its me your screwing. they dont know theres trouble brewing. got a place in this crowd. a bad one at that. but they get what they want cause they know how to act. hanging around see...
  7. 7Head On A Stick
    What cant happen on the outside. can happen within. where im free to live in constant sin. made weark by reality because im afraid so i escape to my mind where perfection awaits. chainsaw to your fuck...
  8. 8I Hate What I Don't Understand
    Inside jokes that i dont get. make me despise your crew. the bands arent playing it. sounds like im at a fucking zoo. not funny or amusing. just fucking stupid and confusing...
  9. 9Jesus Fish Out Of Water
    The glowing badge of ignorance. suck firmly to your ride. inviting me to put my bumper through your fucking spine. born again with nerves of steel. but still too old to see beyond the wheel. red light...
  10. 10Noise
    A year from now no one will care about anything you said. and no ones special. ill talk the same shit done a thousand times before me and ill say it all again. because its my turn now. i dont give a f...
  11. 11Swallow Your Tongue
    Talk so much that people listen. but we both know the word your spittin are bullshit. And they wont change anything. the revenge of a high school headcase. try to convert me with your pv ploys. but yo...
  12. 12Testify
    Angry for angrys sake?. GIve me a fucking break. yet another jaded l oser using rage to hide regret. criticizing from that corner is as weak as it can get. you cant relate cause you feel out of place....
  13. 13The Odd Couple
    Its about time i fucking level with you. ill let you know right where i stand. you drink. your an asshole. this makes you a drunken fucking asshole. so i have no choice. i hate what you call your life...
  14. 14Three Times Six
    Only a number brands my soul. The sign of the underworld. Joined the reign of eternal darkness. Salvation, forever lost. I hear the voices from below. Calling for my soul. A hellish recall I canȁ...
  15. 15We Are Dying
    Don't think that Mother Earth. can't protect herself from humans. Rivers are drying up. Grass is becoming the desert. More diseases destroy your body, yeah. Floods and droughts kill your des...
  16. 16Wreck Yourself
    Your life is fucked beyond recognition. and you thought it could never happen. been reduced to less than nothing. now you have nothing to lose. wreck yourself wanred of all that lies ahead. but that s...