63 letras de Músicas de Korzus: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 63 letras de músicas de Korzus cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 12012
    Skies darken. The sun fades. Resuscitation underway. A holocaust. Cities drown. Fire cosumes everything around. Losing time. 2012. Time Unwinds. 2012. Ice melting. A virus spreads. In time humanity is...
  2. 2Agony
    Buried alive. suffering day by day. The black forces. in your own hell's throat. Death's shout. paralyses your sense. Pleasure in suffering. cries out for blood. Fear. From side to side. Pai...
  3. 3Anjo do Mal
    Pessoas malignas fazem a revolução. Para a escuridão triunfar. Sinto-me invadido por sua força. Grandes calafrios cortam minhas vísceras. Meu espírito está sobre as...
  4. 4Anjo do Mal - 1985
    ANJO DO MAL. Pessoas malignas fazem a revolução. Para a escuridão triunfar. Sinto-me invadido por sua força. Grandes calafrios cortam minhas vísceras. Meu espírito est&#x...
  5. 5Beyond The Limits Of Insanity
    The heroes are silent. Money brings power. The heroes ar death. Money corrupts the soul. The heroes are blind. Money lights the way. The heroes are resting. Money is peace. My crime is to die. My crim...
  6. 6Bleeding Pride
    Aim and shoot. Destroy the other side. And now it's time. Paint a red ground of blood. Beyond the dust. Chaos, pain, death, blood. They all die young. Kill the plague. No time to lie. No place to...
  7. 7Blood For Blood
    Among so many lies. I take a mirror out of my mind. Under the ashes. my memories fall like tears. Blood for blood. Throw my reality into your pain. Break my handcuffs. let me talk to your soul. Every...
  8. 8Born To Kill
    The end resistence arrived. It can't be changed anymore. The black night comes to warm. Her belly cames the sin. His soul is his power. The damned return to kill. The time is now, it's the e...
  9. 9Brain Wash
    My brain has been changed. You hear my screams. My blood flows painfully. You hear my plea. I am in my tomb. With hands tied. I am stuck in the rot. The fever is the brain wash. The surgery is near th...
  10. 10Broken
    Breaking news just another fool. Despicable people rule. Prevaricating manifests. Questioning common senses is the test. Why should the world be yours?. While we open all those doors. It seems as if t...
  11. 11Caminhando Nas Trevas
    Caminhando seu luz nas terras dos homens. Aprisionamos os crentes em nome do mal. Somos filhos da ira de Lúcifer. E com seu sangue proclamaremos o final. Lutamos com fúria na negra batalha....
  12. 12Catimba
    Catimba divided we never stand. Realidade what hell is going on. What is happening man?. Visão suicida you put words in my mouth. Você pode se calar but across the bridge nobody can be smart...
  13. 13Correria
  14. 14Cruelty
    Condemned. To live in hell. No limits, no barriers. When hatred. Touches you soul. In the shadow of desolatuion. So much suffering. So much disunion. The control. The power. The reason. Just remorse....
  15. 15Desperate Cry
    Sacrifice Is Pleasure. When Life Ends In Pain. Conceive The Last Mistake. Which Belongs To All. Creation Of Insane Rule. All We Hear:. Desperate Cry. Death The Coldest Wind. Seeps Into Your Pores. A N...
  16. 16Devil's Head
    The tip of death is warhead. To heaven it will destroy. A steel shell rides the bomb. Go to aim and explode. Any way man is to blame. The trigger without faith. The blood shed by anger. Fire, just hat...
  17. 17Die Alone
    Lies with pain. Skull and bones. We fight in our safe. Retreat while death. We breed. Domain, lay siege at your own demise. Blood, death comes in spree my sacrifice. Mother of all bombs. Spread your f...
  18. 18Elm Street
    Spew the blood from your mind. Sharp razors are cutting you. Death in your dreams is your nightmare. Escape, hide yourself, don't go crazy. There is no peace, he's a bastard. Crazy revenge m...
  19. 19Evil Sight
    On the skin. Of the misery. Suffering hard until you die. On the peak. Of the fear. The end isn't pain. Lose or live. Run or stay. A bunch of blinds. Don't see the way. Who am I talking to?....
  20. 20Guerra Nuclear
    Mentes atômicas que desafiam o sistema. Ditam as regras do inferno nuclear. São eles os demonios da eterna maldição. Encarnados em reis de impérios mortais. Possuídos pel...
  21. 21Guerreiros do Metal
    Está na hora de rompermos todas as barreiras. Nem trovões nem tempestades mudarão nossos passos. Faremos da realidade o metal pesado. E ninguém vai conseguir nos deter. Porque luta...
  22. 22Guilty Silence
    You get mad. It's a terrible wast. Hate is burried. in your chest. The screams are face to face. Guilty. Silence. Terror. And Blood. The screams. Of victims. Echo in your head. You're broken...
  23. 23Hell
    Thousands of stone eyes seal my fate. Woth rotten mouths full of hate. Feeding my poison. Serpent's hands. Give me a silver goblet. With the devil's brand. I feel my body enter a shell. Clos...
  24. 24Hipocrisia
    Hipocrisia. É só isso que me resta até morrer. Falsidade. Uma arma poderosa pra matar. Desilusão. Abandono miserável sem perdão. Consideração. Só se pede q...
  25. 25Internally
    Internal Lies!. Internal Lies!. Internally in the heart. Race, reason and soul. Indefinitive. Ruled by time. White, clear, death. Frozen, mixed. Expensive, money. Depression!. Dealers. Out of control....
  26. 26It Wasn't Me
    Isolated from the world. I was imprisoned. It is not fair. I should pay. A step away fom death. I don't know. Under pressure. I live in hell. A step away. From the end. The final vote. The blood...
  27. 27Juízo Final
    Pelo ódio de seu senhor. Simples mortais clamam por perdão. Agora acreditam na adaga de fogo. Nas mão de Lúcifer mestre do Mal. Das tumbas malditas levantam-se entidades. Que s...
  28. 28Kids Of The Streets
    When you don’t sleep in the cold. When you don’t steal to eat. There are many children. Living in the streets. A man-child who knows the ropes. A man-child who talks loud. The sickines i...
  29. 29Lamb
    There is no such thing as preference. We're all so small to the universe. Then for once control your arrogance. Hate towards the old or new. Self entitled chosen few. Tiny mind and giant certaint...
  30. 30Last Memories
    Sit on the chair. I feel the change inside of me. What was I?. What am I?. Now I can see. Closing my eyes. Judgement time. Last memories. Last life. My spirit flies. I can believe. Is this insanity or...
  31. 31Legion
    War, misery, chaos and death. The boiling blood of my nation. Reality, you cry. Pain, anguish, fear and revolt. The boiling blood of my vision. Reality, you cry. Legion, buried up to your neck in shit...
  32. 32Lifeline
    I speak with the dead. I know what they want. I see things that have no meaning. Lifeline, death row. Storm of death, death for all. Lifeline, death row. Lifeline, storm of death, death for all. I&apo...
  33. 33Living In Pain
    Sold men. Humanity dresses itself in pain. Sheep manipulated bu evil minds. They accept the rules. Even if the rules. Destrou them. Surrounded by walls. I feel death What can I do?. My heart beats slo...
  34. 34Lutar, Matar
    Olho Seco. Essa é a lição que se aprende quando nasce. Lutar, matar 2x. Encostado na cruz da vida. caido na solidão da morte. Lutar, matar 2x. Essa é a lição que se...
  35. 35Mass Illusion
    Your memory confuses. Past, present and future. Their money poisons their dignity. How many more are there like you?. An acid jacket be your present. Their attitude will be your judgement. After that&...
  36. 36Midnight Madness
    Midnight Madness. A weak mind in search of pity. His brain is erupting. A young face ready to be betrayed. Alone, depressed, internally destroyed. He never tried to fight. To discover his own life. No...
  37. 37Never Get Me Down
    Korzus. Never Get Me Down. I've been walking. With no direction. Homeless faithless. Kicking bones. Fed by poverty. Among the disunion. Show your face. You are lying. You hate me. You bled me. Di...
  38. 38P.f.y.l
    You fool yourself. You lie to yourself. The price is high and painful. You pay for what they make you believe. You pay for what you believe. They promise worlds. You vote for them. After you pay, pay...
  39. 39Paraíso da Morte
    Negro e podre como o seu túmulo. Cruz invertida cravada na mente. Sacrifício do bode completa a noite. Loucuras no inferno rasgam sua carne. Magia negra destrói o comando. Ódio e m...
  40. 40Peça Perdão
    Alguém te disse. pra não olhar. o que ia acontecer. Na verdade era o terror. o pânico e o medo de morrer. Numa viela bem escura. só da pra ouvir o seu coração. Botaram um...
  41. 41Príncipe da Escuridão
    Na escuridão o assassino caminha. Procurando pessoas com as almas perdidas. Para satisfazer seus maníacos desejos. E continuar o que já começou. No meio da noite ninguém o per...
  42. 42Punisher
    Twist my spine if you can. Show me your nightmares. I'm screaming higher and higher. I'm ready every time. Revenge shines in my eyes. Dive deep down. Do you know me. Who am I?. You must die?...
  43. 43Purgatory
    Purgatory!. I'm confused, lost in chaos. I'm adrift endless trails. Pain, it kills me. Hate, it kills me. Pain, it kills me. Hate. Am I crazy? I don't know. On the verge of losing even...
  44. 44Raise Your Head
    I don’t breath peace, I’m suffocating in misery. I feel my blood running. I’m alive and I cry. There is no enemy. There is only greed. Open your eyes and see the truth. This is re...
  45. 45Reap What You Saw
    You feel so lame: "why was I wrong"?. Such a bad choice to fight me alone. There is no change you could have known. That in my fists lie is your doom. There is a cause for everything I do. M...
  46. 46Respect
    You stick your finger in my face. And tell me what I must do. Why don't you respect me?. You truth is not mine. I'm tired of always hearing. Time is passing. And you never learn. I'm lo...
  47. 47Screaming For Death
    My hate. Majestic hate. My whole and pure hate. Face me and cry. Shout. Screaming for Death. My hate. Blessed flame. From my soul. Make me pround. Shout. Screaming for Death. Hate is my trademark. Hat...
  48. 48Self Hate
    Clash incontorolable with your mind. Denial of huge desires to die. Weak on your feet, trapped in your world. Silently screaming, you just can't let go. Remember your terrible infancy. Slap your...
  49. 49Six Seconds
    Now I know my final destiny. Resurrected forged in steel. Sounds like fury. Feels like hate. Breaking your necks. It's the metal faith. You can feel the power and glory. It's our deal we are...
  50. 50Slavery
    He descended the stairs of illusion. And opened the door of conceit. He sat at the table of falsehood. To devour a banquet of deceit. He tasted hypocrisy. Spat on the plate of misery. Drank the liquid...
  51. 51Sonho Maníaco
    Noiva de Lúcifer que excita a carne. Virando a consciência me jogando no mal. Caminhos negros me confundem as idéias. Louca magia do beijo do inferno. Demonio de longe conquista seu mun...
  52. 52Suicídio
    Mentes destruídas pelo mal. Vão reinar em seu mundo. Não podem conter a vontade irreal. Que domina seu ser. Saber que não podem lutar. Contra o comando mais forte. Pois a loucura q...
  53. 53The Illuminated
    Born under the eyes of the moon. The arms of death can't embrace them. His gift is unique. It's the sign of fire. He knows his mind is eternal. From him. Nothing can be hidden. His life is d...
  54. 54The Sadist
    You wake up. In despair. With no idea. Where you are. How you got there. Look my way. You don´t know. Who i am. (refrão). Your mind slows down. To hell. And i show you. My hate. You can´...
  55. 55The World Is A Stage
    The chains are broken. I’m ready to reveal my life. You can destroy my body. But never my soul. Your tomb is the pain of my suffering. Stupid ideas keep on killing. But the void doesn't cl...
  56. 56Ties Of Blood
    World!. World!. I'm crazy. World!. World!. Ties of blood. Songs of anguish. Suffer without rest. Invoke the heavens. And cry out for mercy. To change your destuny. To dream in vain. There is no l...
  57. 57Time Has Come
    Rivers of greed. Rage through their souls. Visions of power. Their only goals. Darkness is looming. Creeping in your brain. Cobwebs in your mind. Causing blinding pain. Seek the crossed bones. Above t...
  58. 58Truth
    No guilt, no pain, no sorrow. In this head. In the eyes of god you seek. Forgiveness. (Free yourself). No reason to be afraid. You have to follow your own way. So you can finally feel. The bliss of se...
  59. 59Under His Command
    With a nod of his head. And a wave of his hand. Pain and blood covering my eyes. It's the reign, reign of lies. March! destroy! slay!. Crushing, breaking my brain!. March! destroy! slay!. Under h...
  60. 60Vampiro
    Onde está sua vergonha. Onde está seu valor. Tão roubando a minha vida. Em nome do terror. Onde estão nossos direitos. Caixa forte sem valor. Povo indo desunido. Na estrada do horr...
  61. 61Victim Of Progress
    The clouds close throwing their rays over the sea of blood. The stars disappear and in their place mountains of ice appear. I only see the light of your eyes. What was made, was destroyed. The world b...
  62. 62What Are You Looking For?
    Memories. Making the present harsh. Sometimes you' re a burden. I have to drag around. But do I really have to?. Give me my life. You only hide from everything. and I waste my time. I see your de...
  63. 63Who's Going To Be Next
    Civiization. Massification. Alienation. Do not change the station. Last. rest. Who'S going to be next?. Alienation. Deperation. Fantasy. Operation. Last. Rest. Who'S going to be next?. Cruel...