9 letras de Músicas de Ks3: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 9 letras de músicas de Ks3 cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1It's About Us
    That’s all right , I could never understand. What do you think about my past life. And the future is not the limit. That I’ve imposed to you. And closing down my eyes and reflecting. All...
  2. 2Liberdade + Atitude
    Buscando ir adiante no caminho do viver. Sonhos são possíveis apenas pra quem tem o poder. De lutar por tudo aquilo que sempre buscou. Ter coragem sempre. Dar a cara pra bater. Liberdade. Ca...
  3. 3Ocean Of Memories
    Flying at a cold wind. From a July winter night. My mind freeses as my face. And all the things by my side. Now I’m swimming in the sea. My spirit wants to be free. The water is seething. Like...
  4. 4Samsara
    No one carries with himself the pain. No one should wash the tears someone says. But my mind’s making me foresse again. Now my hands, it’s the same thing everyday. A good priest spoke th...
  5. 5Scarecrows
    Monday morning, now they come again. Red eyes cryin' for unhappiness. Always looking for the sense of life. And sain' to God I'm not satisfied. Dive in the sea, fell the cold tears of G...
  6. 6Tempo Perdido
    Das muitas noites que passei. Atrás de um sonho para crer. O seu desprezo me dominou. E agora o que restou de mim. Quanto mais você fingir que não me vê. E tentar mudar meu ser. Ma...
  7. 7Walking Into The Eternity
    Give up, why are you running?. I’d just want to kiss your neck. Believe there’s no place to hide. I can find you everywhere. A new time of your life is comming now. I’d scream. Wh...
  8. 8We're Heroes...
    Long time marching on the steppes. The spirit of warriors in his head. Horses riding quickly like the light. Hate and madness invading his mind. Only obcecaded in vengeance. The cruel life of a man wi...
  9. 9Without Wings
    Come on wake up, every day I say, she in not here. In my mind I see some memories that can't be a dream. Diving in a waterfall os tears Iam in doubt with God. The night comes to scare again. In t...