4 letras de Músicas de L.a.o: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 4 letras de músicas de L.a.o cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Arturism In A Rock N Roll Band
    There are parts of this country where a fly could live forever. Scars like bookmarks just to read and remember. Like dog-eared pages in a frail book with a frail spine in a frail house. Like dusty wor...
  2. 2Fold Into Sleep
    There's arsenic in apple seeds, Cancer in the honey bees. Poison fruit, it tastes so sweet. A little fear in everything. "I'm tired of being scared," she said to me, As we folded i...
  3. 3Nine Months Of Distance An Odometer Can't Read
    This morning I held the meaning between these calloused paws. The honesty of it all. This morning I woke up healing, humbled by what I saw. The honesty of it all. Words are the walls not what they hol...
  4. 4Tornadoes On Our Breath
    At first the gods cried big armageddon tears. They left us floating away for years and years. They flattened cities with whimpers so sinister. Tornadoes on their breath like rosaries and ministers. An...