We purge your words of wisdom. With darkness at our side. Burning down your kingdom. To honour those who died. We never remain silent. When we`re ordered to. We`ll always be outspoken. In everything w...
127 letras de Músicas de L'Âme Immortelle: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.
Conheça as 127 letras de músicas de L'Âme Immortelle cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.
1. 1000 Voices 2. 5 Jahre Auf lautlosen Schwingen zieht die Leere durch mein. Land. Durch Träume der Sehnsucht, die ich niemals fand. Träume eines Menschen, den ich einmal kannte. Es war jemand, den man bei meinem Na...3. Absolution Ich hab schon lang aufgehört zu träumen. Meine hoffnung in der nacht verloren. Warum wurde ich von dieser welt. Zu diesem schicksal auserkoren?. Ich flehe jede nacht aufs neue. Um vergebung,...4. Alone From childhood's hour I have not been. As others were; I have not seen. As others saw; I could not bring. My passions from a common spring. From the same source I have not taken. My sorrow; I cou...5. Another Day As I sit along the shore. Of my wishes and my dreams. My pride lies scattered on the floor. With the fading sunlight beams. My thoughts embraced by nothingness. Mindwaves passing by so slow. I long fo...6. At The End Trodden paths they seem outdated. To many reasons I have stated. The path divides I have to decide. A new life, a new way to stride. Hollow eyes are watching me. Tell me which way to go. Do not believ...7. Auf Deinen Schwingen Im Ozean der Sehnsucht. Such’ ich nach dem Sinn. Aus der Nacht in meinem Herz. Kann nicht lesen wer ich bin. Im Spiegel meiner Seele. Erkenn’ ich mich nicht mehr. Im tiefen See der Sehns...8. Aus Den Ruinen Aus den Ruinen meiner Träume. Blick ich nun zu Dir empor. Zu Dir mein Engel, den die Liebe. Mir zum Gegenstück erkor. Ich war zu blind vor Liebe. Um die Wahrheit schon zu sehen. Fremd war mi...9. Banish Overshadowing the beauty. The sun and light of day. Standing guard to solitude. Keeping life away. Ghosts who cloud my senses. Embrace the night and sway. Leaving nothing but a wasteland. Of my soul b...10. Behind The Light I have a gift for you tonight, more pressures then to go, much more than these lines are write, before it's getting cold. Without you i am nothing, and nothing i will be, but there is just that o...11. Believe In Me Believe In Me. My dedication for the cause. And the wishes I’ve withdrawn. Blessed me with nothing but the blame. For friendships lost and virtues gone. My loyalty and honesty. Held nothing but...12. Betrayal In these moments when I think of you. And suicide seems the way of choice. I think of your betrayal. Which still echoes with your voice. I gave you all that I could give. My soul, my heart, my mind. A...13. Bis Ans Ender Der Zeit Wenn ich meine augen öffne. Denk' ich schon an dich. Den ganzen tag, die ganze nacht. Verfolgst du mich. Ich weiß dass du die erinnerung bist. Die mir im leben fehlt. Die mich ergä...14. Bitterkeit Tief in einer Welt. wo Gefühle nichtig sind. bin ich eingesperrt. Vor Haß schon völlig blind. Die Tränen sind die einzigen Zeugen. das ich Selbst noch existier´. Nahe dem letz...15. Bleib Ich blicke in mein Herz hinein, doch da ist nichts mehr, an dem Platz wo Du einst warst, ist es nun kalt und leer, ich trag die last zu lange schon, und sie droht mich zu verzehren, ich kann nicht l...16. Blutrot Wenn der Schmerz das Einz`ge ist. Was an Gefühlen übrig ist. Musst Du Deine Klinge führen. Um überhaupt etwas zu spüren. Wenn der Schmerz den Schmerz betäubt. Ist alles w...17. Brennende Liebe Wie viele Nächte lang hab ich in dir gewohnt?. Wie viele Träume lang hat mich dein Schmerz belohnt?. Wie viele Nächte lang hast du dich schon verlorn?. Wie viele Träume lang hab ic...18. Broken Now I lie broken on the ground. No tears are left, no single sound. To express the pain in me. In my deepest agony. Our heaven has become my hell. No more stories left to tell. I fell from grace that...19. Brother Against Brother The armies they keep marching. Towards their deadly goal. I'm standing in their rows. Dying is my soul. Father, Mother. Help me in this misery. Father, Mother. Peace will never be. Father, mother...20. Certainty Certainty. I tried to wash your scent. From the surface of my skin. I tried to drown my memory. I tried to mute your voice. That still echoes in my ear. I tried to chase away the shadows. Will I ever...21. Changes Another daybreak waking up. Drinking from a bitter cup. That's somehow sweet and oh so tender. This poison confirms my surrender. Surrendering to all day life. No more wars and no more strife. St...22. Close Your Eyes Embraced in somber darkness. Muted and blinded by desire. Thoughts flow into nothingness. The mortal shell burns on the pyre. Two bodies they float into one. The world around us fades. Like in the eve...23. Come Closer The victories, the battles won. They`ll never come back to me. The joyful moments, free from care. They`ll never come back to me. Come a little closer angel. Let me see where I belong. I`m ready for y...24. Crimson Skies Beneath the clouds in thriving grey. My humble soul to sleep I lay. To hide my soul from brightest light. Until the dawn comet the night. Where I roam through my domain. To hide myself from present pa...25. Dein Herz Und jetzt steh ich hier im Dunkeln, träum von lang vergangner Zeit. Als ich noch mehr empfinden konnte, als tiefe Trauer, tiefstes Leid. Warum fliehen die Gedanken. nie nach vorne, nur zurüc...26. Demon Be Gone The moment I first saw you. Time froze before my eyes. Have you been a gift of god. Or a devil in disguise. Your beauty made me tremble. Made me fall down on my knees. In blood red snow I'm beggi...27. Der Letzte Akt Nach all den schmerzerfüllten Jahren, geprägt von den Verlangen nach Dir und Deiner nähe, bin ich den letzten Schritt gegangen, Ich habe einen weg gefunden, Du kannst mir nicht mehr wid...28. Destiny Another day has just gone by. where you promised me the sky. like so many days before. but how long can you ignore. what is already known to man. the never neither of us can. Stand against his destiny...29. Die Tote Kirche Auf dunklen Bänken sitzen sie gedrängt. Und heben die erlosch`nen Blicke auf. Zum Kreuz. Die Lichter schimmern wie verhängt, Und trüb und wie verhängt das Wundenhaupt. Der We...30. Die Zeit In Der Die Freundschaft Starb Tränen der Verzweiflung. Und Erruption der Wut. Bilder dieser Welt. Befleckt mit der Unschuld'gen Blut. Reduziert die Nummer derer. In die man Hoffnung gab. Diese Zeit ist vielmals leerer. D...31. Disharmony My poems fade as flows of time. Tear apart my withered state. The written words no longer rhyme. A broken soul, the paper torn. Letters that once made up words. Don`t have a meaning anymore. Carried a...32. Dort Draussen Wo einst mein herz war. Liegt nun ein schwarzer stein. Auf ewig eingeschlossen. Darf niemand mehr hinein. Es hört nicht auf zu regnen. An meinem dunklen tag. Ich sehe diese einsamkeit. Wie keiner...33. Drown Them I sing your songs of wisdom. Painful sorrow and relief. Words that heal the bleeding. Wounds of disbelief. I tell you stories of perfection. Dreaming and asking why. Words to heal the painful longing....34. Du Siehst Mich Nicht Es ist das feuer in dir. Das mich verbrennt. Die stimme in dir. Die nur meinen namen kennt. Es ist der gedanke nach dir. Der immer bei mir bleibt. Sehnsucht nach dir. Die mich in den wahnsinn treibt....35. Dusk Embraces Lonileness Dusk embraces loneliness. My futile misery. Slowly I die away. For all of you to see. Deep inside my soul. Time passes by. For one last time. No more tears are left to cry. When the sun has risen. My...36. Dying Day A lonely chord’s resounding. In the hallway of my soul. And a drum is slowly pounding. Out of my control. Falling lonely through the ceiling. A water drop does find its way. Wounds that never w...37. Echoes I hear echoes of past voices. Of a time that's over now. It distorts to hollow noises. And it slowly fades away. I hear echoes of our dreams. Where the other had a place. It disappears in distant...38. Einsamkeit Sie legt sich wie ein zartes band. Sanft um meine kehle. Vernebelt schleichend den verstand. Und zerfrisst die seele. Sie legt sich wie ein schwarzer stein. Schwer auf deine brust. Die atemluft dringt...39. Elegy My Prime Of Youth Is But A Frost Of Cares, My Feast Of Joy Is But A Dish Of Pain, My Crop Of Corn Is But A Field Tares, And All My Good Is But Vain Hope Of Gain. The Day Is Past, And Yet I Saw No Sun,...40. Empty There have been days where I thought. The world revolves around me. There have been days where I thought. I outrun my destiny. But in my heart I will be broken. Empty deep inside. There have been days...41. Epitaph Too many souls just fade away. And leave nothing behind. Too many live just for the day. And let their time pass by. Too many graves stay nameless. In the garden of the dead. Too many pictures framele...42. Erinnerung Was brauchen wir zur Erinnerung? Einen marmornen Engel? Eine Steintafel, auf der die Taten verzeichnet sind? Eine pharaonengleiche Pyramide? Ein schlichtes Blumengebinde? Ein Splitter im Herzen? Ein G...43. Es Tut Mir Leid Viel zu viele Träume. Hab` ich schon verloren. Keine Spuren hinterlassen. Als wär` ich nie geboren. Viel zu viele Jahre. Der Hoffnung hingegeben. Auf Moment der Erlösung. Auf ein neues...44. Es Zieht Dich Davon Die dunklen schwingen dieser nacht. Brechen lautlos auf uns ein. Wir haben nur den augenblick. Um zusammen zu sein. Der schlussakkord erklingt. Und leidend stirbt der ton. Genau wie unsre liebe. Denn...45. Eye Of The Storm I walk with the wind. With my head up high. Limitless in motion. Heading for the sky. Try to follow me. Or be left behind. Down here there is nothing. Left for me to find. From the lies of the fire. T...46. Fallen Angel found you broken on the ground. And from your mouth a bitter sound. That became sweeter as I approached. You in your deepest agony. I put you up and raised you well. And more than stories ever tell. I...47. Fear Fear. M: Rainer, Kraushofer, Dayour / T: Rainer. I am far from what I’ve been. A new world for me to see. All precious things that I have seen. Look simple and so small to me. All banners waved...48. February 21. February. Hineingepeitscht in eine Nacht. Getaucht in stummes rot. Hier lieg` ich nun in meinen Tränen. Lebendig oder tot?. Du nahmst Dir alles, gabst mir nichts. Mit einer fremden Kält...49. Figure In The Mirror Every time you put this mask on your face. A little piece of your soul dies away. The figure in the mirror`s not me. A different reality. It's just a picture that you see. From my true self, I do...50. Final Oath Counting endless tears of passion. I spilled through my life. You, you are my obession. Nothing'll do us part. After the sun has shone. For one last time. After all life is gone. We'll still...51. For Eternity (I Am Pain) Awaiting the final hour. Before I go away. Awaiting the darkness. I have nothing to fear. When the soul leaves the body. Blanket of bloody stains. There is nobody. When I leave for the astral plains....52. Forgive Me All the dreams that I have had. They lie shattered on the floor. But I found waht I was searching. I have never wanted more. I am forced to leave this life behind. You remain behind the door. But our...53. Gefallen Warum ist dir auf deiner suche. Kein opfer zu groß. Um zu erreichen was ich verfluche. Gibst du dich auf. Warum ist dir die akzeptanz. Oberstes gebot. Siehst du nicht der wahrheit glanz. Tief in...54. Gezeiten Ich treibe auf den wogen. Der zeit die niemals hält. Im strome der gezeiten. Ziehen weiter um die welt. Der stahl der unsere städte baut. Reflektiert den geist der zeit. In einem leben, das...55. Have I Ever? Have I ever been in love? In love with you?. Have you ever been in love? In love with me?. Why is my memory still longing?. Is it longing for you?. Why is my heart never beating?. Is it still beating...56. Herzschlag Ich hör noch immer deine Stimme. Wie sie flüsternd zu mir spricht. Ich fühl noch immer deinen Atem. Wie er die Wellen bricht. Ich seh noch immer deine Augen. Wie sie dich mir offenbaren...57. Hold Me With blurry eyes I see you. Beside me smiling in your sleep. What we both were getting into. Was not ours to keep. Feelings that were born to die. A bond bound to the broken. Painful waiting for goodb...58. Ich Fang Dich Auf Tanz mein kind, in den sonnenuntergang. Tanz mein kind, frei von sorgen, frei von zwang. Tanz mein kind, ewig unbeschwert. Ich steh an deiner seite, wenn das schicksal aufbegehrt. Wenn du unter die r&...59. Ich Gab Dir Alles Ich gab Dir alles. Meine Seele, mein Licht. Doch wo bist Du jetzt. Ich seh' nur Dein Gesicht. In einem Traum so fern. Der mir einst so nah. In einer Zeit der Liebe. In einer Zeit so wunderbar. Ic...60. In Dein Leben Für mich bist du das sonnenlicht, Hälltst mich in meiner kälte warm. Doch für dich existier ich nicht, Du siehst mich nicht mal an. Du bist der grund warum ich lebe, Und jeden neue...61. In The Heart Of Europe Our landscape raped by different armies. Soldiers, slaves who have no faces. Control our ways and lives completely. Our minds are torn, time left its traces. Controlled by TV screens and letters. That...62. Into Thy Gentle Embrace From the steel torn world - an abyss of hate. From the world outside - where hate rules the minds. From walls of intolerance - live on the surface. Of feelings untold - where tears have no shape. I fl...63. Jenseits Der Schatten Nebelschwaden zeichnen Bilder längst vergangener Tage. Der Wind verschleiert gnadenlos alles was ich sage. In den Tiefen meiner Seele bin ich fast schon tot geboren. Als du mich verlassen hast, h...64. Judgement Judgement. Standing still here for a moment. Breath held tightly in my body. A world that´s growing darker. Not worth a longer stay. All the wisdom that I earned. Can´t make a change to this...65. Judgment Standing still here for a moment. Breath held tightly in my body. A world that´s growing darker. Not worth a longer stay. All the wisdom that I earned. Can´t make a change to this state. As...66. Just A Shadow It's so cold. I can hardly breathe. It's so dark. My longing for release. It's so pure. As I let go of everything. I'm so free, I'm so free. But this freedom's killing me...67. Just Defy Your lips spit lies into the faces. Of those who were so close to us. You create your own disgraces. To soil the bonds that bound our hearts. You wear a mask to hide your face. So your doubts can not...68. Kingdom my summer’s worn out. and my winter’s just begun. my last snow has fallen. with the dawning of the sun. i see them staring at me. with their greedy eyes. i clench my fist and hatred rise...69. Komm Zu Mir Wenn dein leben schattengleich. An dir vorüberzieht. Jedes wort, das du geformt. In deine lunge flieht. Du masken trägst, um zu bestehen. Um jeden neuen tag. Hinaus in diese welt zu gehen. D...70. Lake Of Tears My path into the shadows. It seemed so well defined. A labyrinth of darkness. No joy for me to find. The path that leads to you. Is so hard for me to find. And with every step I take. I hope the gods...71. Lass Mich Fallen [1. Strophe]. Dein Schatten liegt noch ueber mir. Wie der Schnee unschuldig weiss. Dein Duft er ist noch immer hier. Und's drueckt mir die Kehle zu. [Refrain]. Lass mich noch einmal an dich glau...72. Last Will Is this the end of the road. We travelled for so many years. Of my life's best journey. Full of joy and tears. is this the end of the summer. To pave my winter's way. The end of all salvatio...73. Leaving Unfold your heart and let me see. The pain you bear, because of me. I´m innocent but broke your heart. Destroyed your dreams, ripped them apart. Ask gods above and gods below. To tell you why I h...74. Letting Go Your face that seemed like heaven. From now on is pure hell. The aweful truth that held no answers. Ripped me from my revery. The meaning lost, the innocence. That kept me going on my way. My world be...75. Licht Und Schatten Licht Und Schatten. Licht:. Du sahst so viele Wunder hier. Erfuhrst Liebe und auch Zärtlichkeit. Noch soviel legt das Leben offen Dir. Noch soviel Schönes, so viel Zeit. Ich stieg empor zum...76. Lieder Die Wie Wunden Bluten Über nächtlich dunkle Fluten. Sing' ich meine traurigen Lieder, Lieder, die wie Wunden bluten. Doch kein Herz trägt sie mir wieder. Durch das Dunkel her. Ein schwüler Garten s...77. Life Will Never Be The Same Again On snow covered mountains. My soul lies to sleep. Silent crying inside. My pain is so deep. Counting the days. As time passes by. Thinking of past times. I break down and cry. Life will never be the s...78. Lost The weight of the world lies on my shoulders. The castles I builtare made out of sand. Everyone is a little bit lost sometimes. When everything seems to get out of hand. My best dreams have turned to...79. Love Is Lost When the sun drops behind the mountains. Never to rise again. When comes the death of the starlit fountains. Never to shine again. Then the gardens show withered flowers. Never to bloom again. And the...80. Masquerade My only friend was solitude. And only darkness seemed to care. So I forged this dreadful mask. That I am cursed to wear. Now everyday it’s staring at me. Hanging from the wall. “Without...81. My Memory Pages blank, needing reason. Time has taken life away. Years of fighting, sin and treason. Will be turning into grey. Dim the lights and draw the curtains. Close the door and leave me be. All I have n...82. Namenlos Tief im Schatten alter Rüstern. Starren Kreuze hier am düstern. Uferrand. Aber keine Epitaphe. Sagen uns wer unten schlafe. Kühl im Sand. Still ist's in den weiten Auen. Selbst die...83. Never Again A tyranny of ignorance. Shatterd all our pride. A curse that is still present. While the swords are laid aside. The masses cheer and gather. As the false prophets speak. Of a new order, a new way. To...84. Niemals Tausend böse Zungen flüstern Lügen in dein Ohr. Auch jene, die durch ihre Liebe Dir ewig Treue schwor. Du siehst in meine leeren Augen, doch meine Seele siehst Du nicht. Du willst mein...85. No Goodbye For many months I wished. To see your face again. To run my hand right through your hair. For many months I wished. To ease my longing pain. I'm bleeding to see your face again. High above the wo...86. No Tomorrow These grey roads seem endless. As the days go by. Waking up each morning. Under a different sky. Far away from home. We step into the light. To resurrect the sleeping. For another night. Tonight we wi...87. No Trust Every word you say. Every hour you spend. Feeds the dagger. In the traitor's hand. Everyone you trust. Everyone you believe in. Will be your enemy. Life's a game you cannot win. No trust, no...88. Nur Du Du hast in meinem Herzen. Ein Feuer neu entfacht. Du hast die Nacht in mir. Dadurch zum Tag gemacht. Du hast auch meine Augen. Erneut zum Glanz gebracht. Und hast durch Deine Wärme. Mich endlich...89. One Eternity Wilt thou go with me sweet maid. Say maiden wilt thou go with me. Through the valley depths of shade. Of night and dark obscurity. Where the path hath lost its way. Where the sun forgets the day. Wher...90. Phönix Wenn sich alles, was man glaubte. In das Gegenteil verkehrt. Und die Nacht unbeugsam, gierig. Auch den letzten Traum verzehrt. Wenn man das Buch des eignen Lebens. Nicht mehr lesen kann. Kommt das Zie...91. Rearranging I´ve walked the holy grounds of justice. For too long now, I assume. I cleared the paths for those too week. And walked blind into my doom. The time has come to change the sight. To find a new pe...92. Reborn I am alone. With the banners I have flown. Inside. A man who's stripped of all his pride. On darkened shores I was stranded. All my shelters I abandoned. The sun of truth has struck me blind. A c...93. Requiem Auf der Bühne unseres Lebens, ist der Vorhang längst gefallen, und tausend seelen warten in leergebrannten hallen, auf die worte der Erlösung, die sie führen in der Nacht, die ihne...94. Resurrection Feel the cage. Let free the rage. See the lies. That surround us. Feel the laws. Let free your rage. See the walls. That do bind us. Resurrect your soul from its forced sleep. Resurrect your thoughts,...95. Run Away Lying weeping on the floor. Like so many times before. As the ice is getting thin. Walls come closing in. I cannot take it anymore. Like so many times before. My soul a war-torn battlefield. With brid...96. Sag Mir Wann Du stehst vor mir mit deinen fragen. Wohin dein leben strebt. Während man aus deinen klagen. Dein schicksal webt. So sieh mich an, so hör mich an. Es ist längst vorbestimmt. Ich bete, i...97. Seelensturm Sanft zerfrisst die Dunkelheit. Den letzen Rest vom Sonnenlicht. Sieh, ein neuer Tag anbricht. Ein neuer Tag voll Schmerz. Ein neuer Tag voll Illusion. Gefühle die nicht sind. Erklimm Du Freund d...98. Sehnsucht Keine fremden kontinente. Keine stille reflektion. Lindert diese sehnsucht. Oder ändert ihren ton. Keine lodernden flammen. Und kein palast aus schnee. Zähmen diesen abgrund. An dem ich t...99. Silver Rain Care-charming sleep, thou easer of all woes. Brother to death, sweetly thy self dispose. On this afflicted prince, fall like a cloud. In gentle show're, give nothing that is loud. Pass by his tro...100. Slut Misled children. Tortured souls. Masochistic need. A bell tolls. For those who feel. Nothing inside. No love, no hate. No stars bright. Raped by life. They give their pride. And will end up. With no o...101. Sometimes Love Is Not Enough It's our past that holds us captive. That made us who we are. That blinds us when we have to see. Beyond every scar. It is you who wants to hold me. Until the end of time. Hold me so hard I canno...102. Soul In Agony The snow has nearly covered. Every aspect of my soul. And the rain has washed away. The whispers that i stole. Fallen, closed down and disbanded. I stay here gazing at the sky. And swallow, like i alw...103. Stumme Schreie Als die Dunkelheit gekommen ist. Das Leiden schien so fern. Warum kam das Schicksal. Um mein Leben zu zerstören. Hinausgerissen aus dem Sein. In eine fremde Welt verbannt. Doch du weichst nicht v...104. Tauch Mich In Dein Licht Die stille bannt das morgenrot. In allertiefstes grau. Bettet nichts als bitterkeit. Und färbt gedanken blau. Augenlider voller schwere. Einem vorhang gleich. Sie halten tapfer wache. Vor meinem...105. Tears In The Rain Hollow cries and fading faces. Searching all those empty places. Alone in pain, alone in fear. And rain washes away my final tear. The words I suffered in decay. Leave me no more room to stay. The thi...106. The Beast Enemies lie waiting. Like vultures for their prey. While I am this weak. Waiting for decay. With greedy eyes they stare at me. Longing for my soul. With hollow lies they care for me. Just to gain cont...107. The Cleansing Like a ship on untamed oceans. I’m lost without a trace. Clouds in their gentle motions. Mock me with their grace. And I watch the fading sunset. As the waves come crashing in. I hope the sea w...108. The Heart My heart was never made of marble. I do not have what it demands. To watch my life just flowing by. Like sand flows thru my hands. There'll be nothing left. No more love and no more tears. My hea...109. The Immortal Part When I meet the morning beam. Or lay me down at night to dream. I hear my bones within me say. Another night, another day. The man of flesh and soul be slain. And the man of bone remain. These today a...110. The Lake In spring of youth it was my lot. To haunt of the wide world a spot. The which I could not love the less, So lovely was the loneliness. Of a wild lake, with black rock bound, And the tall pines that t...111. The Night Is My Shelter [Instrumental. ]...112. The Truth Behind On the edge of this world. In the darkness of your soul. The only hold you have. Are your beliefs, that conquer all. All the doubts and all you hide. Like a curtain these will fall. And reveal the tru...113. These Mortal Feelings All my life I wanted to be different from the prey. All my life I had absolutely nothing to say. But my mind grew up as time passed by. And so I realised that friendship is nothing but a lie. These Mo...114. Tiefster Winter Stetig sanft doch mit Gewalt. Dringt Dein Schwert in mich. Nicht mehr Du, eine Gestalt. So kalt wie blanker Stahl. Nacht erfüllt nun diesen Raum. Dein Licht, es blendet mich. Gerissen aus dem Leb...115. To Everlasting Oblivion Thou mighty gulf, insatiate cormorant. Deride me not, thought I seem petulant. To fall into thy chops. Let others pray. For ever their fair poems flourish may. But as for me, hungry oblivion. Devour...116. Vergessen Wenn Ruh und Frieden Ihr gesucht. Ihr arg gequälten Herzen. Fern von der Welt, die Euch nun sucht. Hier gibt es keine Schmerzen. Fehlt auch noch moderner Gräbertand. Nennt Euch kein Kreuz mi...117. Voiceless I watch the stars collapse at night. When demons haunt me once again. In the sky, their death shines bright. Every loss brings a new gain. The peace of voiceless darkness. Silence voices who scream at...118. Warum Ich bin die Summe deiner Sehnsucht, die in dir reift. Die Wurzel allen Übels, die nach dir greift. Ein Wunsch, ein Traum, eine blinde Projektion. Für mit Taubheit geschlagene ein schriller T...119. Was Hält Mich Nnoch Hier Was hält mich noch hier?. Langsam rinnt mein Leben. Wie der Sand durch meine Hände. Umsonst scheint all mein Streben. Verloren in der Ewigkeit. Doch nur weil ich meinen Traum. Zu oft in frem...120. When The Sun Has Ceased To Shine I've had a thousand faces. A fiction million smiles. I've walked the path of denial. For a thousand miles. I've kissed a thousand demons. I killed a hundred sheep. And there is no way o...121. Who I Am I was never what you wanted. Who you wanted me to be. I never walked the easy paths. That you laid down for me. I've always been a dreamer. Who just wanted to see. That everything is possible. To...122. Why Can't I Make You Feel The emptiness my hands do touch. When I long to hold you close. Without the words that mean so much. Down a path I did not choose. With willingness I speak these lies. To make you go away. It breaks m...123. Why Didn't I Die? (Into the sky. What do you see when you're in the dark?. And the demons come?). I've put my trust in all your senses. Put down all my defences. To let you peek inside. The abyss that I try t...124. Will You? Like a vast landscape. My soul lies open. Is it the fear, is it your voice. That turned me mute. Cries unheard. For a time too long. Is it the pain, is it your beauty. That made me blind. Will you eve...125. Winter Of My Soul My soul is frozen to the ground. My mind is crippled , left no sound. I'm lying here await my doom. For my future won`t be coming soon. Lying lifeless deep inside. All that's left of joy and...126. Without You Without You. You drove away my winter. Covering my soul. The veil that paralysed me. With the sunlight that we stole. You stand by me in times of need. You heal my wounds in my defeat. You make me com...127. Wohin Aus den Ruinen meiner Träume. Seh' ich mich am Abgrund stehen. Wie ein ausgestoß'ner Engel. Ohne Augen um zu sehen. Zu sehen was die Zukunft bringt. Was die Vergangenheit mir nahm....