One more set, baby, you'll survive. Just play guitar, don't look them in the eye. They're all here to see you tonight. Such expectations impress the writers. All boy band, all boy attit...
10 letras de Músicas de Park Ave.: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.
Conheça as 10 letras de músicas de Park Ave. cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.
1. All Boy Band 2. Cloak And Dagger I woke up dead today. And what's worse, i didn't care. I just laid there and waited for the feeling to return. But the feeling never returned. It's a fear. And if i lay still enough. I...3. December Snapshots December snapshots, entire list. Endless new years, every day. I kiss the empty with memories. The naked sky timeless holds me alone, I'll wait. Violent breath to touch her past. One more attempt...4. Invitation To A Closet She invites me to a closet, the night glows in her eyes. And i know now what she wanted, she'd been hinting it all this time. And i don't mean to scare you but i've wanted this for so l...5. It's A Life It's a life, working lanes with his wife. Hand in hand, they both work at the alley with an arcade in the back. Where the young are the restless on the set. The cameras are hot, the tape hasn&apo...6. Lachrymose Obsequious Vehement Elated Love, four words, explode above a mnemonic device. To remember how it feels when I am with you. The glass can't hide, my wounds will find the salt around the rim. And this sting won't help t...7. My Sick Complainant She sits and stares into her mixed drink. Telling everyone she's right, well, she's right. I've tried enough on getting over this. Just to end up in this room with the two of you. But y...8. She Teaches Art? The projector's on, these lights are off. She's teaching the colors in classrooms. As the interest is lost. Her career has been put in perspective today. Is this really what she wanted to be...9. She's An Actress I sit here patiently, I'm waiting for another pose. Looking straight at the camera, but she doesn't know what it's for. But she smiles anyway. She starts to lose her trust and her wande...10. Theme Song I don't know why they call us park ave. does anybody park here. anyone but me?...