Looking at your watch a third time waiting in the station for a bus. Going to a place that's far, so far away and if that's not enough. Going where nobody says hello, they don't talk to...
249 letras de Músicas de R.E.M.: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.
Conheça as 249 letras de músicas de R.E.M. cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.
1. (Don't Go Back To) Rockville 2. 1,000,000 Secluded in a marker stone. Not only deadlier but smarter too, smarter too. All along the tomb, all along the ruin. Secluded in a marker stone. Not only deadlier but smarter too, smarter too. I could...3. 7 Chinese Brothers (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). (chorus 1). This mellow, sweet, short-haired boy, woman offers pull up a seat. Take in one symphony now, we've just begun to battle. Wrap your heel in bones of steel, tu...4. 9-9 (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). (chorus 1). Steady repetition is a compulsion mutually reenforced. Now what does that mean?. Is there a just contradiction?. Nothing much. Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray...5. A Girl Like You (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). I get so disturbed, I'm all alone. I feel so funny talking on the phone. I fall apart when I hear you speak. Believe me girl, I just feel weak. I wonder how I got involv...6. A Month Of Saturdays Five o'clock friday. All my work is done. I can hardly wait. Let's take the server. Let's sling it around. Let's make it taste so sweet. I wanna take all the saturdays. I wanna sta...7. Accelerate Sinking fast to winch me to my feet. No time to argue with belief. I'm not alone, A thousand others dropping. Faster than me. What put me here?. Nothing to hold on to. Nowhere to brake. Where is...8. Action I do the dancin'. You do the hoppin'. You do the boppin'. I do the shakin'. I'm just romancin'. You do the dancin'. I see your sequence. It's looking, smashing....9. After Hours After Hours. (A cover of the track by Velvet Underground, written by Lou Reed). If you close the door. the night could last forever. Say goodbye to now. and say hello to never. I've said it befor...10. Aftermath Now the radio stutters. snaps to life. Some sour song that sets it right. And when London falls. He'd like to call. But the stars collide. They're beautiful and much maligned. In a universe...11. Ages Of You (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). (chorus). Postcard stowaway within. Pristine indigo without. Banded ottoman as such. Sofa seated one too much. All along the range, all along the range. Ages of you. Ages of...12. Airportman he moves efficiently. beyond security. great opportunity awaits. airport fluorescent. creature of habit. labored breathing and sallow skin. recycled air. moving sidewalks. great opportunity blinks. gr...13. All The Best So over me. So pie in my face. So talk to me. Tell me where to place these. In my Quasimodo heart. That's where I slipped and fell. I rang the church bell. Till my ears bled red blood cells. I th...14. All The Right Friends (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). I know you say. Maybe some day. I need never be alone. I know I say. It's the right way. But you'll never be the one. I've been walking alone. For a long long,...15. All The Way To Reno (You're Gonna Be A Star) Humming. All the way to reno. You've dusted the non-believers. And challenged the laws of chance. Now, sweet. You were so sugar sweet. You may as well have had 'kick me'. Fastened on yo...16. Alligator Aviator Autopilot Antimatter I feel like an alligator. Climbing up the escalator. Climbing up the escalator. I feel strong. I feel like an aviator pilot. Thinks you wouldn't buy it. I'm feeling violent. Beat your bleedi...17. Ambulance Blues Back in the old folky days. The air was magic when we played. The riverboat was rockin' in the rain. Midnight was the time for the raid. Oh, Isabela, proud Isabela, They tore you down and plowed...18. Animal Hey what's the big deal?. Tell me how to feel?. I know where we boomeranged and fell from grace. Point me to the stars I'm up for the chase. I know where we fell on our face. Jump with me. Y...19. Around The Sun I want the sun to shine on me. I want the truth to set me free. I wish the followers would lead. with a voice so strong it could knock me to my knees. Hold on world 'cause you don't know wha...20. At My Most Beautiful I've found a way to make you. I've found a way. a way to make you smile. I read bad poetry. into your machine. I save your messages. just to hear your voice. you always listen carefully. to...21. Auctioneer (Another Engine) (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). She didn't want to get pinned down by her prior town. Get me to the train on time, here take this nickel make a dime. Take this penny and make it into a necklace when I...22. Baby, I (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Baby, I don't want to be seen with you. Baby, I got better things to do. Baby, I don't wanna hang around with you. Baby, I got better things to do. Cause I know you...23. Bad Day A Public service announcement. followed me home the other day. I paid it never mind. Go away. Shit so thick you could stir it. with a stick-free Teflon whitewashed presidency. We're sick of bein...24. Bandwagon (Berry/Buck/Mills/M. Stipe/L. Stipe). Come on aboard, I promise you you won't hurt the horse. We treat him well, we feed him well. There's lots of room for you on the bandwagon, The road m...25. Bang And Blame If you could see yourself now, baby. It’s not my fault. You used to be so in control. You’re going to roll right over this one. Just roll me over, let me go. You’re laying blame....26. Be Mine ("a speed zone up here too"). I never thought of this as funny. It speaks another world to me. I want to be your Easter bunny. I want to be your Christmas tree. I'll strip the world tha...27. Beachball Tonight's alive. The beachball is set to fly. Those well-tequilla'd guys. who smile at strangers. á tes souhaits. á tes amours chéri. You give a little sneez...28. Beat A Drum The sun reflected in the back of my eye. I knocked my head against the sky. The dragonflies are busy buzzing me. Seahorses if we were in the sea. Halfway from coal, halfway to diamond. My fall knocked...29. Begin The Begin Birdie in the hand for life's rich demand. The insurgency began and you missed it. I looked for it and I found it. Miles Standish proud, congratulate me. A philanderer's tie, a murderer&apos...30. Belong (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Her world collapsed early Sunday morning. She got up from the kitchen table. Folded the newspaper and silenced the radio. Those creatures jumped the barricades. And have head...31. Binky The Doormat This is horror movie stuff. the muffin is peach, you're 'makin' love'. you mean this opera involves handcuffs?. I lay defeated. yeah, sour milk mouth, horseradish sweet. she's...32. Bittersweet Me I move across, innocence lost. all flashing pulsar. I move across the earth in my new pattern shirt. I pass satellites. "You're so bitter," your complaint. I can't give you anythin...33. Blue Yellow circus left the stakes a broken ropes. world's useless mug. The ties that bind, ha ha. I can be bad poet. Street poet. Shit poet. Kind poet too. Subway. Almost four a. m. Halloween night....34. Boy In The Well Look at this, it's me, walking away. Look at you drowning, on display. Every time I've dropped by, I've tried to say. The water is rising. You don't want to stay. It's that si...35. Burning Down (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). From the back of my neck, oh, oh, oh. Wired a glass jaw, oh, oh. Plantation burning your boat is coming in. Strum your jew's-harp, you're reeking gin. (chorus). Run...36. Burning Hell (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Women got legs, men got pants. I got the picnic, you got the ants, Put it in the fire heaven knows. Take my torch and touch your toes in hell. It's a burning hell. You c...37. Camera (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). (chorus 1). From the inside room when the front room greeting. Becomes your special book, it was simple then. When the party lulls, if we fall by the side. (chorus 2). Will y...38. Can't Get There From Here (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). When the world is a monster. Bad to swallow you whole. Kick the clay that holds the teeth in. Throw your trolls out the door. If you're needing inspiration. Philomath is...39. Carnival Of Sorts (Box Cars) (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). There's a secret stigma, reaping wheel. Diminish, a carnival of sorts. Chronic town, poster torn, reaping wheel. Stranger, stranger to these parts. (chorus). Gentlemen d...40. Carnival Of Sorts (Box Cars) - Cifrada Tom: Bm. {Opening riff:}. B|--------0-----. G|------0---0---- G|-------0--0---. D|-----4---4--4-- X 3 then. D|-----4------4-. A|-7-7----------- A|-7-7-----------. {Chorus riff}:. B|--2-2-3-2-0---. G|...41. Catapult (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). We were little boys. We were little girls. It's nine o'clock, don't try to turn it off. Cowered in a hole, opie mouth. Question:. Did we miss anything? did we...42. Chance (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Chance, chance, chance, chance. Friday bank card yours got stuck. I loaned you a phone quarter, said "Good luck". Where are you now?. Me and glasses Saturday slump....43. Chorus And The Ring Hey there now young wholly, swing along. quote the scriptures, keep them guessing. which pit you crawled from. Just defy it, just deny it, was it fun?. Your time is come -. What have you done? What ha...44. Christmas Griping Mike: Well it looks like Christmas is here again. Bill: Yeah, guess we'll have to go shopping now. Peter: I'll tell you what if I hear Rudolf the Red nosed Reindeer one more time I'm go...45. Christmas Time Is Here Christmas time is here, happiness and cheer. Food for all, the children call their favorite time of year. Snowflakes in the air, candles everywhere, olden times and ancient rhymes and love and dreams...46. Circus Envy (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Here comes that awful feeling again. Welcome the ugly animal. I hold my breath to watch you swing, My high rope acrobat ball and chain, I'm not afraid, I messed it, mess...47. Country Feedback This flower is scorched. This film is on. On a maddening loop. These clothes. These clothes don't fit us right. I'm to blame. It's all the same. It's all the same. You come to me w...48. Crazy (Bewley/Briscoe/Crowe/Lachowski). You're funny and you don't know why. You're funny and you can't even cry. You're funny and you don't know why. You're funny and you...49. Crush With Eyeliner I know you. I know you've seen her. She's a sad tomato. She's three miles of bad road. Walking down the street. Will I never meet her?. She's a real woman-child. Oh my kiss breath...50. Cuyahoga (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Let's put our heads together and start a new country up. Our father's father's father tried, erased the parts he didn't like. Let's try to fill it in...51. Dangerous Times (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). These are dangerous times. Nothing to care or die for. These are dangerous times. What you want, someone will buy for you. Don't get away. It's so easy to wait. You...52. Dark Globe Oh where are you now?. Pussy willow that smiled on my sleeve. When I was alone, you promised a stone from your heart. My head kissed the ground, I was half the way down, treading the sand. Please. pl...53. Daysleeper Receiving department, 3 a. m. staff cuts have socked up the overage. directives are posted. no callbacks complaints. everywhere is calm. Hong Kong is present. Taipei awakes. all talk of circadian ryth...54. Departure Just arrived Singapore, San Sebastian, Spain, 26-hour trip. Salt Lake City, come in spring over the salt flats. A hailstorm brought you back to me. Salt Lake City, come in spring over the salt flats....55. Diminished I watched you fall. I think I pushed. maybe I'm crazy. maybe diminished. maybe I'm innocent. maybe I'm finished. maybe I blacked out. how do I play this?. I will give my best today. I w...56. Disappear I've dragged my feet. across the seat. and jumped out the passenger side. The only thing worth looking for. is what you find inside. But that had not yet appeared. Lost, invisible, here. Tel Aviv...57. Discoverer Hey Baby this is not a challenge. It just means that I love you as much as I always said I did. I was wrong, I have been laughable wrong, sandpaper, paper mache, chalk and hung out wet. Oh the city an...58. Disturbance At The Heron House 1. They're going wild, the call came in. At early morning predawn then. The followers og chaos out of control. They're numbering the monkeys, the monkeys and the monkeys. The followers of c...59. Dragging The Line Makin' a livin' the old hard way. Takin' and givin' by day by day. I dig snow and rain and the bright sunshine. Draggin' The Line. My dog Sam eats purple flowers. Ain't g...60. Dream (All I Have To Do) (cover) Dream, dream dream dream, dream, dream dream dream. When I want you in my arms, when I want you and all your charms. Whenever I want you, all I have to do, is. Dream, dream dream dream. When I feel bl...61. Drive Smack, crack, bushwhacked. Tie another one to the racks, baby. Hey kids, rock and roll. Nobody tells you where to go, baby. What if I ride? What if you walk?. What if you rock around the clock?. Tick-...62. Driver 8 (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). The walls are built up, stone by stone, The fields divided one by one. And the train conductor says. "Take a break Driver 8, Driver 8 take a break. We've been on th...63. E-Bow The Letter look up, what do you see?. all of you and all of me. flourescent and starry. some of them, they surprise. the bus ride, I went to write this, 4:00 a. m. this letter. fields of poppies, little pearls....64. Electrolite Your eyes are burning holes through me. I'm gasoline. I'm burnin'n clean. Twentieth century, go and sleep. You''re plasticine. That is obscene. That is obscene. But you are th...65. Electron Blue You're on your ear, the ocean's near. the light has started to fade. your high is timed, you found the climb. it's hard to focus on more than what's. in front of you, electron blue...66. Everybody Hurts When your day is long and the night. The night is yours alone. if you're sure you've had enough of this life. Well hang on. Don't let yourself go, 'cause everybody cries. and every...67. Everyday Is Yours To Win With the walk. and the talk. and the tic-tac clock. With the rock. and the roll. and tht bridge. and the told. With the brilliance. and the light. with the sting. and the hide. and the road ahead of y...68. Exhuming McCarthy You're beautiful more beautiful than me. You're honorable more honorable than me. Loyal to the Bank of America. (chorus 1). It's a sign of the times. It's a sign of the times. (cho...69. Fall On Me There's a problem feathers iron. Bargain buildings weights and pullies. Feathers hit the ground. Before the weight can leave the air. Buy the sky and sell the sky. And tell the sky and tell the s...70. Falls To Climb I'll take the position. assume the missionary part. you work by committee, you had me pegged from the start. I'll be pounce pony, phony maroney, pony before the cart. I'll be pounce pon...71. Favorite Writer In Corsica. The engines blew. Your favorite writer died. In a car. In a crash. Died in a fire imagine that. In a car. In a crash. Die in a fire imagine that. Engine, engineer. The fire blew the balls...72. Feeling Gravity's Pull (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). I fell asleep and read just about every paragraph. Read the scene where gravity is pulling me around. Peel back the mountains peel back the sky. Stomp gravity into the floor....73. Femme Fatale (Lou Reed). Here she comes you better watch your step. She's going to play you for a fool, it's true. It's not hard to realize. Just look into her false colored eyes. She'll build...74. Final Straw As I raise my head to broadcast my objection. as your latest triumph draws the final straw. who died and lifted you up to perfection?. and what silenced me is written into law. I can't believe wh...75. Find The River Hey now, little speedyhead, the read on the speedmeter says. you have to go to task in the city. where people drown and people serve. Don't be shy. Your just deserve. is only just light years to...76. Finest Worksong The time to rise has been engaged. You're better best to rearrange. I'm talking here to me alone. I listen to the finest worksong. Your finest hour. Another chance has been engaged. To throw...77. Fireplace (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Crazy, crazy world, crazy, crazy times. Crazy, crazy world, crazy, crazy times. Hang up your chairs to better sweep. Clear the floor to dance. Shake the rug into the fireplac...78. First We Take Manhattan First We Take Manhattan. (A cover of a song by Leonard Cohen. ). They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom. For trying to change the system from within. I’m coming now I’m coming to r...79. Fretless He's got his work and she comes easy. They each come around when the other is gone. Me, I think I got stuck somewhere in between. I wouldn't confide in the Prodigal Son. The die has been cas...80. Funtime Funtime. (A cover of a track by Iggy Pop, David Bowie and James Osterberg. ). (Fun!) baby, baby, we like your lips. (Fun!) baby, baby, we love your pants. All aboard for Fun Time. (Fun!) baby, baby, w...81. Furry Happy Monsters Ha Ha Ha Ha. Furry happy monsters laughing (oh, that’s great!) (ha ha ha ha). Monsters having fun, Happy, happy. See them jump and run. Happy, happy. laughing all the while. Cheerful cheerful....82. Gardening At Night (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). I see your money on the floor, I felt the pocket change. Though all the feelings that broke through that door. Just didn't seem to be too real. The yard is nothing but a...83. Get Up Sleep delays my life (get up, get up). Where does time go? (get up, get up, get up). I don't know. Sleep, sleep, sleepy head (get up, get up, get up). Wake it up. up (get up, get up). You've...84. Ghost Riders Ghost rider motorcycle hero. Baby baby baby baby he’s a blazin’ away. Like the star star stars in the universe. Ghost rider motorcycle hero. Baby baby baby baby he’s a blazin ...85. Good Advices (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). When you greet a stranger look at his shoes. Keep your money in your shoes, put your trouble behind. When you greet a stranger look at her hands. Keep your money in your hand...86. Good King Wenceslas Good King Wenceslas looked out. on the feast of Stephen, when the snow lay round about, deep and crisp and even. Brightly shown the moon that night, though the frost was cruel, when a poor man came in...87. Green Grow The Rushes The wheelbarrow's fallen. Look at my hands. They've found some surplus cheaper hands. Rubbing palms and pick and choose, who will they choose? Here is the news. Look at that building, look a...88. Hairshirt I am not the type of dog. That could keep you waiting. For no good reason. Run a carbon-black test on my jaw. And you will find it's all been said before. I can swing my megaphone and long arm th...89. Half A World Away This could be the saddest dusk I've ever seen. Turn to a miracle, high alive. My mind is racing, as it always will. My hands tired, my heart aches. I'm half a world away, here, My head sworn...90. Hallellujah The world is an oyster, the bitter refrain. The lord is my shepherd, I cannot stay. This blessed earth, this beautiful land. A new day that breaks the dawn. I am the tide, the oceans sing. I am the an...91. Harborcoat They crowded up to Lennon with their noses worn off. A handshake is worthy its all that you got. Metal shoes on wood pushed your arm back. theres a splinter in your eye and it reads react. They shifte...92. High Speed Train When I look into your eyes. Your drop like an anchor eyes. I scudded and clipped the sky. Just shy of making it. And you almost got away. I told you I was afraid. Did I really want to try. You're...93. Hollow Man I’ve been lost inside my head, Echoes fall off me. I took the prize last night for complicatedness. For saying things I didn’t mean and don’t believe. Believe in me, believe in no...94. Hope you want to go out friday. and you want to go forever. you know that it sounds childish. that you've dreamt of alligators. you hope that we are with you. and you hope you're recognized. you...95. Horse To Water I could have kept my head down. I might have kept my mouth shut. I should have held my own, You lead a horse to water and you watch him drown. You’re only as big as your battles. Rattle my cage...96. Houston If the storm doesn’t kill me the government will. I’ve got to get that out of my head. It’s a new day today and the coffee is strong. I’ve finally got some rest. So a man&#...97. How The West Was Won And Where It Got Us Blood from a stone. Water from wine. Born under earplay design. A stroke of bad luck, Wrong place, wrong time. This flyer is out of the lime. (chorus). The story is a sad one, told many times. The sto...98. Hyena (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Night time fell at the opening, In the final act of the beginning of time. Hyena take your role, the stage is set. The town is safe again tonight. (chorus). Hyena (I see the...99. I Believe When I was young and full of grace. And spirited - a rattlesnake. When I was young and fever fell. My spirit, I will not tell. You're on your honor not to tell. I believe in coyotes and time as a...100. I Don't Sleep, I Dream (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). I'm looking for an interruption, Do you believe?. You looking to dig my dreams. Be prepared for anything. You come into my little scene. Hooray, hooray, hip hip hooray....101. I Remember California I remember redwood trees, bumper cars and wolverines. The ocean's Trident submarines. Lemons, limes and tangerines. I remember this. I remember traffic jams. Motor boys and girls with tans. Nearl...102. I Took Your Name (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). I wore the clothes you wanted. I took your name. If there is some confusion, who's to blame?. I signed your living will. I smiled your face. I'm ready to close the...103. I Wanted To Be Wrong You know where I come from. You know what I feel. You're Yul Brenner Westworld. Reporting from the field. I threw it into reverse, Made a motion to repeal. You kicked my legs from under me, And t...104. I Will Survive At first I was afraid, I was petrified. Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side. But then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong. And I grew strong. And I learned how to...105. I'll Take The Rain The rain came down. the rain came down. the rain came down on me. The wind blew strong. and Summer's song. it fades to memory. I knew you when. I loved you then. in Summer's yawn, now hopele...106. I'm Gonna DJ Death is pretty final. I'm collecting vinyl. I'm gonna DJ at the end of the world. Cause if heaven does exists with a kickin' playlist. I don't wanna miss it at the end of the worl...107. I'm Not Over You (Buck/Mills/Stipe). I feel great. I lied to save your feelings. Truth convened, my head smashed through the celling. I lost an arm, no one harmed, you diplomatically alarmed. I sulked away to lick my...108. I've Been High Have you seen?. Have not, will travel. Have I missed the big reveal?. Do my eyes. Do my eyes seem empty?. I've forgotten how this feels. I've been high. I've climbed so high. but life s...109. Ignoreland These bastards stole their power from the victims of the Us v. Them years. Wrecking all things virtuous and true. The undermining social democratic downhill slide into abysmal. Lost lamb off...110. Imitation Of Life Charades, pop skill. Water hyacinth. Named by a poet. Imitation of life. Like a koi in a frozen pond. Like a goldfish in a bowl. I don't want to hear you cry. That sugarcane that tasted good. Tha...111. It Happened Today This is not a parable. This is a terrible. This is a terrible thing. Yes I will rhyme that, after, after all I've done today. I have earned my wings. It happened today. Hooray! Hooray!. It happe...112. It's A Free World Baby (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). I was hungry when I said. I never got to sleep. You go ahead. You can get whatever you want. There's a feeling in my belly. The new tomorrow scene. It's an interest...113. It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) That's great! It starts with an earthquake. Birds and snakes, an aeroplane. And Lenny Bruce is not afraid. Eye of a hurricane, Listen to yourself churn. World serves its own needs. Dummy serve yo...114. Just A Touch (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Well, what in the world? Women in black. Don't you remember send us back. A day in the life well nobody laughed. Look to the days how long can this last. (chorus). Kevin...115. King Of Birds (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). A thumbnail sketch, a jeweler's stone. A mean idea to call my own. Old man don't lay so still you're not yet young. There's time to teach, point to point,...116. King Of Comedy Make your money with a suit and tie. Make your money with shrewd denial. Make your money expert advice, If you can wing it. Make your money with a power ply. Make your money with a buyout bribe. Make...117. King Of The Road (Roger Miller). (Trailers for sale. Trailers for sale. Trailers for sale). I ain't got no cigarettes. It takes four hours of pushin' broom. To buy a four-by-twelve two-bit room. I'm a m...118. Kohoutek (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Who will stand alone?. She carried ribbons, she wore them out. Courage built a bridge, jealous tore it down. At least it's something you've left behind. Like Kohout...119. Last Date instrumental...120. Laughing (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Laocoon and her two sons. Pressured storm, tried to move. No other more, emotion bound. Martyred, misconstrued. (chorus). Lighted in a room, lanky room. Lighted, lighted, lau...121. Leave Nothing could be bring me closer. nothing could be bring me near. where is the road I follow. to leave, leave?. It's under, under, under my feet. the sea spread out there before me. where do I go...122. Leaving New York It's quiet now, and what it brings is everything. Comes calling back a brilliant night, I'm still awake. I looked ahead I'm sure I saw you there. You don't need me to tell you now,...123. Let Me In Yeah, all those stars drip down like butter, Promises are sweet, We hold out our pans, lift our hands to catch them. We eat them up, drink them up, up, up, up. Hey, let me in. Hey, let me in. I only w...124. Letter Never Sent (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). It's been pretty simple so far, vacation in Athens is calling me. And knock, knock, knock on wood, I thought I'd left you behind. Heaven's yours, heaven's...125. Life And How To Live It (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Burn bright through the night, two pockets lead the way. Two doors to go between the wall was raised today. Two doors remain before your others and your own. Keep these books...126. Lightnin' Hopkins (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). When I lay myself to sleep pray that I don't go too deep. Lightnin' won, lightnin' won. Because it's cold down, gold down there, crow!. Flat lands low lan...127. Lisa Says (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Too, too, took her so long. I was only having fun. I guess I'm really hung. I guess you'd better run. That's what Lisa said. While you running all over town. W...128. Little America (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). I can't see myself at thirty, I don't buy a lacquered thirty. Caught like flies, preserved for tomorrow's jewelery, again. Lighted in the amber yard, a green s...129. Living Well Is The Best Revenge It’s only when your poison spins into the life you’d hoped to live. That suddenly you wake up in a shaking panic – wow!. You set me up like a lamb to slaughter. Garbo as a farmer&...130. Losing My Religion Oh, life is bigger. It's bigger than you. And you are not me. The lengths that I will go to. The distance in your eyes. Oh, no, I've said too much. I set it up. That's me in the corner....131. Lotus hey hey. I was hell. sarcastic silver swell. that day it rained. tough spun. hard won. no. ocean flower aquarium. badlands. give a hand. honey dipt. flim flam. hey hey. hey hey. that cat can walk...132. Love Is All Around I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes. Well love is all around me and so the feeling grows. It's written on the wind, it's everywhere I go. So if you really love me, come on and let...133. Low (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Dusk is dawn is day. Where did it go?. I've been laughing. Fast and slow. Moving in a still frame. Howling at the moon. Morning found me laughing. Up and down, down. Low...134. Low Desert it happened fast, it's over quick. a little dust and the engine kicks. did your hands drift down off the wheel?. a roadowl hit your windshield?. an eyelash or a little bit of sleep?. did time sta...135. Make It All Ok You threw away the ballast and you rowed your boat ashore. Didn't you, now? Didn't you?. You made your ultimatum too big to ignore. Didn't you, now? Didn't you?. So you worked out...136. Man On The Moon Mott the Hoople and the game of Life. Yeah, yeah,yeh yeah, yeah. Andy Kaufman in the wrestling match. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Monopoly, Twenty one, checkers, and chess. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Mister...137. Man-Sized Wreath Turning on the TV and what do I see?. A pageantry of empty gestures all lined up for me –. wow!. I'd have thought by now we would be ready to proceed. But a tearful hymn to tug the heart....138. Maps And Legends (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). He's not to be reached, he's to be reached. He's not to be reached, he's to be reached. Called the fool and the company, On his own where he'd rather...139. Me In Honey I sat there looking ugly. Looking ugly and mean. I knew what you were saying. You were saying to me. Baby's got some new rules. Baby said she's had it with me. It seems a shame to waste your...140. Me, Marlon Brando, Marlon Brando and I We live and dream about the future. Please ask me up I need to count well now. Sit through the annals of our favorite times. Our heroes and all their fade out thoughts. Me, Marlon Brando, Marlon Brand...141. Mine Smell Like Honey I would dare you, but I know I don't need to. You're going to do just what you want to. You're going to take the leading chair at the fairground. You're going to sing the praises o...142. Monty Got A Raw Deal (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Monty this seems strange to me. The movies had that movie thing, But nonsense has a welcome ring. And heroes don't come easy. Now nonsense isn't new to me. I know m...143. Moon River Moon River, wider than a mile. I'm crossing you in style some day. You dream maker. You heartbreaker. Wherever you're going. I'm going your way. Two drifters off to see the world. There...144. Moral Kiosk (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). (chorus). Scratch the scandals in the twilight. Trying to shock but instead. Idle hands all orient to her. Pass a magic pillow under head. It's so much more attractive i...145. Mr. Richards Mr. Richards, your position is a messenger pigeon. Left behind you when the camp moved on. We thought that you would listen but the words had never crystallized. Into a truth that you might own, hey...146. Mystery To Me (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Living in cities, living in cars. Living the way you never wanted to. Living in alleys, living it down. Living the way you always thought you'd do. Shakin' it up sh...147. Narrator (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). When I was watching TV back in 73. A skinny old man sure appealed to me. His name by now, I'm sure you know. The man who played a starring role in Jacques Cousteau. Oh,...148. Near Wild Heaven (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Whenever we hold each other. We hold each other. There's a feeling that's gone. Something has gone wrong. And I don't know how much longer I can take it. House...149. New Orleans Instrumental No. 1 Instrumental...150. New Test Leper I can't say that I love Jesus. that would be a hollow claim. He did make some observations. and I'm quoting them today. "Judge not lest ye be judged. ". what a beautiful refrain. T...151. Nightswimming Night swimming. Deserves a quiet night. The photograph on the dashboard. Taken years ago. Turned around backwards so the windshield shows. Every street light reveales a picture in reverse. Still its s...152. Oddfellows Local 151 (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Oddfellows local 151 behind the firehouse. Where Peewee sits to prove a sage to teach. Peewee gathered up his proof. Reached up and scratched his head. Fell down and hit the...153. Oh My Heart The kids have a new take. A new take on faith. Pick up the pieces. Get carried away. I came home to city half erased. I came home to face what we faced. This place needs me here to start. This place i...154. Old Man Kensey (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe/Ayers). Old Man Kensey wants to be a sign painter. First he's got to learn to read. He's gonna be a clown on TV. Flags at his elbow, time to breath. (That's my f...155. On The Fly You said that loving me was falling off a log. You always had a way with words. I'm in a barrel over Niagra Falls. I wonder if I am the first. If I asked of you for just one wish. Would you turn...156. Orange Crush Follow me, don't follow me. I've got my spine, I've got my orange crush. Collar me, don't collar me. I've got my spine, I've got my orange crush. We are agents of the fre...157. Pale Blue Eyes (Lou Reed). Sometimes I feel so happy. Sometimes I feel so sad. Sometimes I feel just about everything. Lately I'm just feeling bad. Lately I'm just feeling bad. (chorus). Linger on your pal...158. Parakeet You wake up in the morning. and fall out of your bed. mean cats eat parakeets. and this one's nearly dead. You dearly wish the wind would shift. and greasy window slide. open for the parakeet. wh...159. Perfect Circle Put your hair back, we get to leave. Eleven gallows on your sleeve. Shallow figure, winners paid. Eleven shadows way out of place. Standing too soon, shoulders high in the room. Standing too soon, sho...160. Permanent Vacation (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Gotta get away, gotta get away. Gotta get away, gotta get. (chorus). I'm on a permanent vacation. Nothing left to move. I want a revelation. Nothing left to prove. I cou...161. Photograph (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe/Natalie Merchant). I found this photograph, Underneath the broken picture glass. Tender face of black and white, Beautiful, a haunting sight. Looked into an angel's smile,...162. Pilgrimage (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Take a turn, take a turn. Take our fortune, take our fortune. They called the clip a two-headed cow. Your hate clipped and distant, your luck, pilgrimage. Rest assured this w...163. Pop Song 89 Hello, I saw you, I know you, I knew you. I think I can remember your name. name. Hello, I'm sorry, I lost myself. I think I thought you were someone else. Should we talk about the weather. Shoul...164. Pretty Persuasion (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). It's what I want, hurry and buy, All has been tried, follow reason and buy, Cannot shuffle in this heat, it's all wrong. Try to put that on your sleeve it's al...165. Radio Free Europe Resign yourself that radio's gonna stay. Reason it could polish up the grey. Put that put that put that up the wall. That this isnt country at all. Raving stations, beside yourself. Keep me out o...166. Radio Song Hey, I can't find nothing on the radio. Yo! turn to that station. The world is collapsing. Around our ears. I turned up the radio. But I can't hear it. When I got to the house. And I called...167. Redhead Walking Out there are silver. Dressed darlings. And ramen mein. Delights. When ginger hair. Gets all fired up. She beats them. In the night. That redhead walking. Uh. Don't get close. She'll warn yo...168. Revolution (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Your revolution is a silly idea, yeah. All your friends are feeling sad. It's like you need a reason to be feeling bad, y...169. Romance (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Nations call. Par-parallels. Neighbors call. All in all, in all, in all, in all. (chorus 1). That's worth saving up for. Put our heads down on the chest. Mustn't ev...170. Rotary 11 Instrumental...171. Rotary Ten instrumental...172. Sad Professor If we're talking about love. Then I have to tell you. Dear readers, I'm not sure where I'm headed. I've gotten lost before. I've woke up stone drunk. Face down in the floor. L...173. Saturn Return Easy to poke yourself square in the eye. Harder to like yourself, harder to try. These Elvis poses, postcards and neopryn. Roses a dollar a stem. Everyone's sleeping or pulling a long haul, the k...174. Second Guessing (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Why're you trying to second guess me?. I am tired of second guessing. What will be your look this season?. Who will be your book this season?. Why're you trying to...175. Shaking Through (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Could it be that one small voice doesn't count in the room?. Yellow like a geisha gown, denial all the way. Could this by three be ten? Honor marches on. Yellow like a g...176. She Just Wants To Be It's not that she walked away, her world got smaller. All the usual places, the same destinations, only something's changed. It's not that she wasn't rewarded. with pomegranate aft...177. Sheherazade (You say you make her feel all right. She says she wants you, but not tonight. You know the girl is telling lies. You try some magic in her eye. When you not there other guys come sticking around. And...178. Shiny Happy People Shiny happy people laughing. Meet me in the crowd. People people. Throw your love around. Love me love me. Take it into town. Happy happy. Put it in the ground. Where the flowers grow. Gold and silver...179. Silver Bells Silver bells, silver bells. It's Christmas time in the city. Ring-a-ling, hear them ring. Soon it will be Christmas day. City sidewalks, busy sidewalks. Dressed in holiday style. In the air there...180. Sing For The Submarine It feels in dreams that everything’s there for you. The city breathes and pulses. Its fuel / few? electron blue. I knew that you could see right through it. So this is where you’ve given...181. Sitting Still This name I got we all were green. See could stop stop it will red. We could bind it in the cist. We could gather, throw a fit. Up to par, Katie buys a kitchen-size, but not me in. Sit and try for the...182. So Fast, So Numb (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). You're movin' through rough waters motel boy, And swimming in your sleep. How could I be so blind, mis-sighted, Not to see there's something wounded deep?. Any...183. So. Central Rain (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Did you never call? I waited for your call. These rivers of suggestion are driving me away. The trees will bend, the cities wash away. The city on the river there is a girl w...184. Stand Stand in the place where you live. Now face North. Think about direction. Wonder why you haven't before. Now stand in the place where you work. Now face West. Think about the place where you live...185. Star 69 (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). You don't have to take the bar exam to see. What you've done is ignoramus 103. What've I got to hang my hat on. You don't have a pot to pee in. All this j...186. Star Me Kitten (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Keys cut, three for the price of one. Nothing's free but guaranteed for a lifetime's use. I've changed the locks. And you can't have one. You, you know th...187. Staring Down The Barrel Of The Middle Distance Now the hope for the future took a pounding in the parking lot. And the answer for today is all I got. When your name is called the lights went down. The time is the essence excuse me and I'm. Bl...188. Strange (Gilbert/Gotobed/Lewis/Newman). (chorus 1). There's something strange going on tonight. There's something going on that's not quite right. Michael's nervous and the lights are brig...189. Strange Currencies I don't know why you're mean to me. when I call on the telephone. and I don't know what you mean to me. but I want to turn you on, turn you up, figure you out, I want to take you on. Th...190. Stumble (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). (chorus). We'll stumble through the yard. We'll stumble through the yard. We'll stumble through the A-P-T. We'll stumble through the yard. Force fields....191. Summer Turns To High Mercury is rising still. Turn the fan on high. I won't step on my own shadow. no one wants to cry. Someone put a pox on me. I'll spit in their eye. Summer turns to high. With my bedsheet cap...192. Superman I am, I am, I am superman. And I know what's happening. I am, I am, I am superman. And I can do anything. You don't really love that guy you make it with now do you?. I know you don't l...193. Supernatural Superserious Everybody here. Comes from somewhere. That they would just as soon forget and disguise. At the summer camp where you volunteered. No one saw your face, no one saw your fear. If that apparition had jus...194. Suspicion now my suspicion's on the rise. I have known, I have known your kind. please don't talk, don't make me think. order up another drink. let me let imagination drive. can't you see. I...195. Swan Swan H (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Swan, swan, hummingbird. Hurrah, we are all free now. What noisy cats are we. Girl and dog he bore his cross. Swan, swan, hummingbird. Hurrah, we are all free now. A long, lo...196. Sweetness Follows Readying to bury your father and your mother, What did you think when you lost another?. I used to wonder why did you bother, Distanced from one, blind to the other?. Listen here my sister and my brot...197. Talk About The Passion (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Empty prayer, empty mouths, combien reaction. Empty prayer, empty mouths, talk about the passion. Not everyone can carry the weight of the world. Not everyone can carry the w...198. Texarkana 20, 000 miles to an oasis. 20, 000 years will I burn. 20, 000 chances I wasted. Waiting for the moment to turn. I would give my life to find it. I would give it all. Catch me if I fall. Walking throug...199. That Beat (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). (That beat, that beat, that beat). Eastern calls from way out wherever. Away I go, anchored in that beat. Thirsting for us too, three's a no man, but. (chorus). Remember...200. That Someone Is You With the restraint of New Order covers, young marble giants. I sat quietly waiting. For someone else to make the first move. Someone has to make the first move. That someone is you. That someone is yo...201. The Apologist they call me the apologist. and now that I´m at peak. you know at first it really hurt. we joke about these things. I´ve skirted all my differences. but now I´m facing up. I wanted to a...202. The Ascent Of Man So hesitation pulled me back. I'm stronger when I don't attract. In your eyes I'm a lamb without a rack. And I am getting confused. I'm a cactus trying to be a canoe. As you pan fo...203. The Flowers Of Guatemala (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). I took a picture that I'll have to send. People here are friendly and content. People here are colorful and bright. The flowers often bloom at night. Amanita is the name...204. The Great Beyond I´ve watched the stars fall silent from your eyes. All the sights that I have seen. I can´t believe that I believed I wished. That you could see. There´s a new planet in the solar syste...205. The Lifting Grounded, 5 a. m. The nitelite is comforting, But gravity is holding you. Once settled into sleep. You have watched, on repeat, The story of your life. Across the ceiling;. And in review, You've...206. The One I Love This one goes out to the one I love. This one goes out to the one I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time. This one goes out to the one I love. Fire (she's comin' down on her...207. The Outsiders You took me to the restaurant where we first met. You knocked a future shock crowbar upside my head. I got caugh with the stop of the tick tock, tick tock clock. When you told me what you knew. Lost i...208. The Passenger I am the passenger and I ride and I ride. I ride through the city's backsides. I see the stars come out of the sky. Yeah, the bright and hollow sky. You know it looks so good tonight. I am the pa...209. The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight This here is the place where I will be staying. There isn't a number. You can call the pay phone. Let it ring a long, long, long, long time. If I don't pick up, hang up, call back, let it r...210. The Wake-up Bomb (I. was. cool). I look good in a glass pack. I look good and mean. I look good in metallic sick wraparound blackout tease. I scud along the horizon, I drink some sweet tree tea. I get high in my low-a...211. The Worst Joke Ever You see there's this cat burglar who can't see in the dark. He lays his bets on 8 more lives, walks into a bar. Slips on the 8 ball, falls on his knife. Says, "I don't know what I&...212. The Wrong Child I've watched the children come and go. A late long march into spring. I sit and watch those children. Jump in the tall grass. Leap the sprinkler. Walk in the ground. Bicycle clothespin spokes. Th...213. Theme From Two Steps Onward (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). If you hear this, look again. Don't be a stranger. Don't be a shadow to this boy. A penny on it's side. Write a letter, give a call. Let me know you're al...214. There She Goes Again (Lou Reed). (chorus 1). There she goes again (there she goes). She's out on the street again (there she goes). She's down on her knees my friend (there she goes). Won't have to ask her...215. These Days (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Now I'm not feeding off you, I will rearrange your scales. If I can, and I can. March into the ocean, march into the sea. I had a hat I put it down and it sunk, reached...216. Time After Time (Annelise) (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Ask the girl of the hour by the water tower's watch. If your friends took a fall, are you obligated to follow. (chorus). Time after, time after time. When the bull'...217. Tired Of Singing Trouble I'm tired of singing trouble. To keep myself alone. Somebody come and help me, lord. To carry a heavy load. (repeat)...218. Tongue (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Call my name, here I come. 90 to nothing, watch me run. You call. I am ashamed to say. Ugly girls know their fate. Anybody can get laid. You want a room with a fire escape. I...219. Toys In The Attic (Tyler/Perry). Light voices scream, nothing seems real's a dream. Leaving the things that you learned behind. Leaving the things that you love behind. All of the things that you learned were real...220. Try Not To Breathe I will try not breathe. I can hold my head still with my hands at my knees. These are the eyes of the old. Shiver and fold. I will try not to breathe. This decision is mine. I have lived a full life A...221. Turn You Inside-Out Divide your cultured pearls and paste. I'm looking for to lay to waste. Of all the things I cannot taste. and this not the racy race. They spoke loud. I believe in what you do. I believe in watch...222. Überlin Hey now, take your pills and. Hey now, make your breakfast. Hey now, comb your hair and off to work. Crash land, no illusions, no collision, no intrusion. My imagination runs away. I know, I know, I k...223. Underneath The Bunker (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). I will hide and you will hide. And we shall hide together here. Underneath the bunkers in the row. I have water, I have rum. Wait for dawn and dawn shall come. Underneath the...224. Undertow I know what I wanted. I know what I wanted. I know how I wanted this to be. you go down to the water, drink down of the water, walk up off the water, leave it be. This is not my dream, sister. it is c...225. Until The Day Is Done One, two, three, four…. The battle’s been lost, the war is not won. The addled republic - a bitter refund. The “business first” flat-Earthers licking their. wounds. The ver...226. Untitled This world is big and so-awake. I stayed up late to hear your voice. This light is here to keep you warm. This song is here to keep you strong. I made a list of things to say. But all I really want to...227. Voice Of Harold (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Reverend Bill Funderburk sings "He Cared That Much For Me". Charles Surratt introduces his own composition "On Calvary For Me". "The Joy of Knowing J...228. Wait (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). You got your problems darling. I got mine too. You know that. Maybe it's time for you to come through. Because I'm fed up with waiting for you. Won't you decid...229. Walk It Back Walk it back. Walk it back. Walk it back. What, what would you. Have had me say. Instead of what I said. Where, where would I go. How could I follow that. Except to do what I did. Which it's to....230. Walk Unafraid As the sun comes up, as the moon goes down. These heavy notions creep around. It makes me think long ago. I was brought into this life a little lamb, a little lamb. Courageous, stumbling. Fearless was...231. Walters Theme (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Hey, this is David. I've got a hat the size of Oklahoma. Put on my boots and going down to Walters. Get me some barbecue. Bring some home to the misses. He'll give...232. Wanderlust looks like I pulled a fast one. looks like I went to town. looks like the world revolves around me. looks like it's falling down. I thought I'd kicked the traces. I thought the wheels would...233. We All Go Back To Where We Belong I dreamt what you were offering. Imagine lying next to me. You should. And your reputation talks. I will write our story in my mind. Write about our dreams and triumphs. This might be my "Innocen...234. We Walk (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Up the stairs to the landing, up the stairs into the hall, oh, oh, oh. Take oasis, Marat's bathing. We walk through the wood, we walk. Up the stairs to the landing, up t...235. Welcome To The Occupation (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Hang your collar up inside. Hang your dollar on me. Listen to the water still. Listen to the causeway. You are mad and educated. Primitive and wild. Welcome to the occupation...236. Wendell Gee (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). That's when Wendell Gee takes a tug. Upon the string that held the line of trees. Behind the house he lived in. He was reared to give respect. But somewhere down the lin...237. West Of The Fields Long gone, intuition to assume are gone when we try. Dream of a living jungle in my way back home when we. die. (chorus). West of the fields, west of the fields, west of the. fields, west of the field...238. What If We Give It Away? (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). On the outside, underneath the wall. All the money couldn't buy. You're mistaken, no one's standing there. For the record no one tried. (chorus). Oh, I try to....239. What's The Frequency, Kenneth? "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" is your Benzedrine, uh-huh. I was brain-dead, locked out, numb, not up to speed. I thought I'd pegged you an idiot's dream. Tunnel vision from...240. White Tornado Instrumental...241. Why Not Smile The concrete broke your fall. To hear you speak of it. I'd have done anything. I would do anything. I feel like a cartoon brick wall. To hear you speak of it. You've been so sad. It makes me...242. Wichita Lineman I am a lineman for the county. And I drive the main road. Searchin' in the sun. For another overload. I hear you singin' in the wire. I can hear you through the whine. And the Wichita Linema...243. Wicked Game The world was on fire and no one could save me but you. It's strange what desire will make foolish people do. I'd never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you. And I'd never dream...244. Windout (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe/Ayers). Windout - if you're out of wind. Windout - if you're really spent. Windout - if you're young and red. (chorus). Yeah, tick tock, it's tine o'cl...245. Wolves, Lower (chorus). Suspicion yourself, suspicion yourself, don't get caught. Suspicion yourself, suspicion yourself, let others out. Wilder lower wolves. Here's a house to put wolves out the door. I...246. World Leader Pretend I sit at my table, And wage war on myself, It seems like it’s all for nothing. I know the barricades, And I know the mortar in the wall breaks, I recognise the weapons, I’ve used them we...247. You (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe). Let the sun beat through the clouds, Let me kiss you on the mouth. All my childhood toys with chew marks in your smile. Let me hold your syrup close to mine. Let me watch you...248. You Are The Everything Sometimes I feel like I can't even sing (say, say, the light). I'm very scared for this world. I'm very scared for me. Eviscerate your memory. Here's a scene. You're in the ba...249. You're In The Air You wanted a challenge. That's calling you higher. I landed on my feet by crawling. I remember standing alone trying to forget you idling. I hate to admit that that's my reference point. but...