5 letras de Músicas de Simply Waiting: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 5 letras de músicas de Simply Waiting cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Awaken Upon Arrival
    I dont know what youre doing acting like youre footsteps from the place you said that youd be going when you are really miles and miles away you said youd be there when. I wake up tomorrow and you are...
  2. 2Boys Fall Down
    Get yourself straight. Wont you get yourself straight. I am not the one who set imagination running and. Get yourself together. Wont you get yourself together. I am not the one who said the burden wou...
  3. 3Depletion
    Just say, just say youll try, diffuse, the blue, your eyes, your eyes, depletion of oxygen, the molecules losing their. evidence,division is obvious,but standing up straight in spite of them, the reas...
  4. 4Under The Radar
    Sneak under the radar past top security swirling in shadows dance in obscurity under the radar under the radar sneak me across, smuggle me in cover our tracks, places weve been hidden from cameras see...
  5. 5Went With The Count
    Well Im writing it down but Ill scribble it out, oh these words have a way of losing their clout,for. Im watching these steps still facing the ground without lifting this head or looking around, its s...