5 letras de Músicas de Waking Rothko: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 5 letras de músicas de Waking Rothko cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Asleep At The Wheel
    Apparently the love of me is enough to put a girl to sleep. Or so I hear when I check in to see what kind of shape she's in. December 2003 waiting and unnerved maybe. She decides to go for a Mulh...
  2. 2Balloon
    I imagine a balloon of people. Just holding hands and feet. Would catch in the wind and lift up. Like a wavering peopled sheet. See I never liked being social. I found it a little perplexing. What cou...
  3. 3Elevator
    Depress the button on your shirt. It's freshly pressed. Your hands against your chest. And let it rise up. It'll elevate you till you're twenty stories high. I hate you. For leaving me...
  4. 4We Can Learn
    I wake up. And I'm next to you. And it's all I can do. To stay still as if I'm glued. To these sheets of ours. That we stain with our love. And the cruel idea of perfection. So long unt...
  5. 5Windows
    Ally has a problem with the suburbs. And she's planning her escape. Sick of living rooms that don't get used. And always paper plates. But she's taking men out and breaking them. To see...