Letra da Música Burn de Alex Lloyd
Que bom que você chegou até aqui!
Veja abaixo a letra da música que separamos para você!
watch them motor again
we can race and will bend
you might call in the night
who is to say what’s right
in the blink of an eye
all your trace evils die
have you seen longer days
tell me we’re still awake
and if you light your fire
a little too much a little too much
no no no
you only want to go higher
a little too much
a little too much
watch the night time my star
and look at every distant angel
coming round coming round to mend
oh does your heart fill with joy
every girl and boy
having a good time watching the night time
and we’re really chasing now
yeah we’re running down the miles
break this tired day I know the way
so much for the normal life
we’re coming to meet you
we’re coming to get you
we’re coming to help you home
we can race and will bend
you might call in the night
who is to say what’s right
in the blink of an eye
all your trace evils die
have you seen longer days
tell me we’re still awake
and if you light your fire
a little too much a little too much
no no no
you only want to go higher
a little too much
a little too much
watch the night time my star
and look at every distant angel
coming round coming round to mend
oh does your heart fill with joy
every girl and boy
having a good time watching the night time
and we’re really chasing now
yeah we’re running down the miles
break this tired day I know the way
so much for the normal life
we’re coming to meet you
we’re coming to get you
we’re coming to help you home
Outras Músicas de Alex Lloyd
Conheça aqui outras músicas de Alex Lloyd que você poderá gostar.
1000 MilesAliensAll You NeedAmazingAmericaBackseat ClauseBeautifulBlack The SunBrand New DayBus RideComing HomeDesertDowntownEasy Exit StationEverybodies LaughingEverybody's LaughingFar AwayFarawayFollowGenderGreenHello The EndHolding OnI WishLost In The RainLucky StarMeltingMomoMy FriendMy Way HomeNever Meant To FailOrdinary BoyOutsideSafe To SaySleepSnowSomething SpecialSometimesSpeeding CarsStand DownStill WaitingThe WonderTriggerWhat A Year
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Ficha Técnica da Música Burn
Número de Palavras | 126 |
Número de Letras | 757 |
Intérprete | Alex Lloyd |
Na tabela acima você vai encontrar dados técnicos sobre a letra da música Burn de Alex Lloyd.