10 letras de Músicas de W.E.B.: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 10 letras de músicas de W.E.B. cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Black Ghost
    I’ve returned from another world. I’m back for something that I don’t know. Evil nightmares while I’m awake. Are they signs? Are they trails?. Like a Black Ghost – w...
  2. 2Cockroach
    Through the ages we have killed. Everything is gone at once. See the world loosing its face. Fragile human existence. Father hear me. I’m a slave. Make me a master. Take me away. The final prop...
  3. 3Embracing Darkness
    Everything dies inside me. In a river of tears I shall drown them all. Priestess come near, embrace me with no fear. Kiss me like a newborn rose. A widow of love, A bride of veil, with me in her arms....
  4. 4Full Of Sadness
    As I stand alone in a room. Looking more like a tomb. I can sense you coming to me. Rejoicing at my misfortune. Your dark figure before me. Flashes like thunder. And I pray darkness gives birth to ano...
  5. 5Futility's Lullaby
    As the night pours its darkness. And the moonlight embraces my skin. Mourning hymns are sang by the trees. As the winter breeze flows through the leafs. Starlight brings the dead past here to the pres...
  6. 6Ghost Of Silence
    I hear you in the silence. I kiss you in the emptiness. I feel your breath in the air. I know you are always there. God prays for me no more. God prays for me no more. God prays for me no more. Enter...
  7. 7Golden Ring
    (I remember the attic. Full of lightened candles awaits. It keeps a well hidden secret. Wasn’t it your Golden Ring?. Now that the light is gone. Something was missing all time long. I see you c...
  8. 8Lunar Light
    Washed by the Lunar Light. Listen to them screaming in silence. Under the Lunar Flare. Their eyes are glowing. They’re singing a song. For the broken hearted. They’re crying at the wind....
  9. 9Rust
    A sea of hate is not enough to wash my pain away. The books of wisdom won't tell me why you fade to grey. Cold rain's in your eyes now where springs once come and gone. Don’t know how...
  10. 10Sorrow Means Madness
    Walking through the alley. With the meaning of life. Trying to find the answers. That brought me here from the afterlife. Sorrow means Madness. It means endless pain and sadness. Walking through the a...